Thursday 10 March 2022

Time For More Bees!

I haven't done a bee post 
for a year and a half now, 
can you BEE-lieve it?

Incidentally, if you're a new reader
and are wondering WTF is up
with all the bee imagery on this blog,
this older post will answer that!

I couldn't end without 
a bad pun, now could I?

That would constitute 
un-BEE-coming BEE-haviour!


G. B. Miller said...

Funnily enough, I'm currently watching a video on making of/history of mead (I watch longer YT videos in parts due to my usual Short Attention Span.

Travel said...


Marie Smith said...

That pin is bee-coming…

Ol'Buzzard said...

When they speak of 'the Nectar of the Gods' they are speaking of bees.

If Heaven is the land of milk and honey, they will have to have bees.

the Ol'Buzzard

Barwitzki said...

And... I love honey. I only buy it from beekeepers.
The spring comes. Greetings to you.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Can't wait for spring to get here.
Last year I planted some pollinators and I hope I get some bees this year.


Mistress Maddie said...

Last summer it was a treat to watch the bees in my mother's garden on the bushes and flowers do their thing. These are pretty funny Debs! I enjoyed the one the Sunbury Art poster.

I thought of you the other afternoon when I was at the market and forgot my reusable shopping bag, so I bought another one...with a honeycomb and bee on it! I should go back and get you one!

Bob said...

I think we all yearn for a corner honeycomb!!

And bees are the original essential workers.

Tundra Bunny said...

Oh, BEE-have!

Tasker Dunham said...

beewitched, beethered and beewildered. That's worse than yours.

whkattk said...

Ah, have you seen the photography of Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station? Absolutely incredible!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@whkattk -- I'll have to check that out! Thanks for the info!

pam nash said...

I bee-lieve this is a bee-autiful post.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i love this post and the brooch!

bobbie said...

I love the bee/honeycomb pin!

DVArtist said...

Great post. I will check it out.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I managed to get through all the bee images and funnies without having a panic attack. I’m beeside myself with relief. I DO appreciate bees and I DO love honey.

Deedles said...

I love bees and dislike honey. Beelieve it or not, I got the bee references right off the bat (another lovely critter). My baby sister's name is Debra.

e said...

With Spring approaching it is definitely the right time for a bee post!
These were charmers, all of them. I especially like the 'Sweet Dreams' - I have to show that to my neighbor who makes mead. Oh, and I love the bee and honeycomb brooch! I would wear that!
Thanks, bee-youtiful!

Linda said...

Whahahaha! Dis a mead to be sure.

I like the bee tinder but my favorite?!……..“HE’S WHAT!?”

CraveCute said...

The Social Distancing sign is a good one! You are so punny! Reminds me of the time I moved a bumblebee nest out of our garden shed to another part of our yard... And more bees please. Don't wait another year!

Liz Hinds said...

I love the key workers one!

Barbara said...

I'm glad you shared the older post which I had not read before. I never knew the significance of bees for you but have enjoyed the pictures and memes of bees. They are an interesting and often beautifully portrayed creature.

Lady M said...

I wonder was part of the globe was sensitive enough to protect the bees on the platform? That is great. I have never been stung by a bee despite gardening all my adult life. A wasp is a different matter but bees are gentle creatures.

Mike said...

Well I'll bee. I think I've heard of mead but never knew what it was. I checked and there are several stores that sell it here. I know of several beekeepers in my immediate area. I've thought about getting into that but it's way down the list of things to do.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, I've combed over these, and each one is a honey. Your place must have been a hive of activity recently, making sure that although we did get the point, we did not get stung with all these puns buzzing around, especially knowing how waspish some of your readers can be.*
*notice that I resisted the one that was too easy.

This N That said...

Lol…. One bad pun after another. You are not Beehavin

Christine said...

Love your honey post and great pun at the end haha.

Forsythia said...

We have clover and a pesticide/herbicide free yard, but not nearly enough bees. Too many neighbors want a perfect carpet of fluffy green grass for a yard, unfortunately.

Joanne Noragon said...

The American Bee Gum tree in the back yard finally succumbed to very old age. The fellows who cut it left three substantial root suckers. We can only hope. That tree used to sing aloud when it bloomed.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nothing like Beeing humbee.
Coffee is on

River said...

I love your bee motifs and I love bees too. There's a whole hive not far from my home in the hollow in a living tree.

Rosemary said...

This post brings back memories of the time that I was in Crete and saw their 4000 year old gold Malia pendant which consists of two bees depositing drops of honey into their honeycomb. A true masterpiece of the Minoan's skill to BEEhold.

Polly said...

A Beeautiful post Debra.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I LOVE all things Bees too!

I loved going back and reading about your name and the meaning; not kidding that just the other day I pondered the name of your blog and now it all makes perfect sense!

Bill Lisleman said...

Social distancing with bees is a great idea.

Susan Kane said...

What a great post! Bees are vital to agriculture. My son is an entomologist and spent a lot of time in studying them.

Adam said...

Don't forget Bee Movie, the Jerry Seinfeld classic where a human woman leaves her husband for a bee

Magaly Guerrero said...

It's bee-time, indeed! I was just going through my wildflowers and sunflower seeds. I'm starting them on Sunday. So that those working ladies have something sweet to come home to.

And your terrible puns rule!

Rommy said...

Well I would never dis a mead! Especially when hanging with friends around a bonfire.

NatureFootstep said...

love all of it :)

Kay G. said...

Oh BEEhave!

Onevikinggirl said...

Glad you are providing bees, all I have in my summer house garden is white tailed bumblebees. So far only one so it might be the queen waking up trying to find a suitable nest for the season. I hope she chooses the hedge and not the shed.

Martha said...

Aww, this was fun! Bees are the best.

yellowdoggranny said...

I was messing around on Amazon looking for something???? and found a pair of sunglasses(several different styles) with a bee right on the bar between the eyes..check them out..they are sooo cool.

Jennifer said...

These are all great, but I love the terrible pun at the end! :)

CAAC said...


Your bee edition was fun. The pun at the end wasn't bad. It made me smile. Now I have a certain song stuck in my head. Thanks! :D I'm gonna buzz off for now. Have a good weekend!

John M said...

We had a bumble bee's nest in a crack on the back concrete steps. We left them alone and they left us alone. It was a peaceful arrangement.
I think bumble bees are not into stinging people so much if you leave them alone.

c said...

And where is Do-Bee, the Romper Room birth control bee.

c said...

That last one was from me Calvin. My computer is acting weird with mmy identity.

Quinley said...

I love bees. :) I really like the first image and the one of the bee on the computer. ;)

Guillaume said...

I lovehoney, especially when I have a cold, like now.

Guillaume said...

Oh yes, funny thing about a bee:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Guillaume -- Homer Simpson is no match for a bee!

baili said...

you are excellently skilled for funnies and puns Debra a genuine gift :)

i loved this one and thank you for previous post link ,now i know how sacred reason is behind this blog name :)

hugs and blessings!

Laura Morrigan said...

I love that collar brooch!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Bees are awesome. That is a great sign about leaving them alone. Our yard is sometimes a mess because we let the flowering weeds do their thing. The bees love them!

Deborah said...

Favorite: Sweet Mead!

Fundy Blue said...

Funny and pretty bee images! I'm all for protecting bees!