Tuesday 25 June 2024

There Is No Joy in Edmonton . . .

The mighty Oilers lost the Stanley Cup Final 2-1.

At least the Oilers captain, Connor McDavid,
won the Conn Smythe trophy for the
Most Valuable Player of the playoffs.

But the Biggest Trophy Of All
went to the Florida Panthers
for the first time in their
31-year franchise history.

So congrats to them!


Boud said...

Awwww, it's hard to be a good sport through tears.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I am truly saddened. I sang La Bamba during my entire walk today. Wish I could be happy for the Panthers in their first one, but... Florida.

Tom said...

...now summer can begin.

Travel said...

Hockey, in Florida? All of the ice is in the drinks in that swamp. (I lived there for 20 years.)

Marie Smith said...

Yay, Connor! So close!

baili said...

sorry fir the loss dear Debra

on such occasions i feel bit saved because no team is out of my league so each victory seems mine ,sorry if my words sound more bothering than stupid my friend

Bob said...

Um, maybe next year????
That's all I got for the sportsball, er, puck.

BootsandBraids said...

So sorry all your efforts at invoking didn't pan out. It be that way sometimes.

Kathy G said...

Bummer! There's always next year. (Unless you're the St. Louis Blues, who won five years ago and have stunk up the place since then.)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, they better start training now because we expect a win next year!


e said...

Ugh. So disappointing. And for it to be Florida... insult to injury.

Pixie said...

They did their best and I'm proud of them.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i was so disappointed when i woke to the news that florida had won. i was really hoping that the oilers could pull it off. close but no cigar.

Leanna said...

Sorry kiddo. Maybe next year. Hopefully a better Northern team like the Blackhawks will do something.
I'm still wondering how a hockey team from Floriduh won. It's just EWWWWWWwwwww! Okay. I have started to get a real ouchie in my back now. Time to go lie down for a while.

Mike said...

I saw that on the news last night and thought of you and the misery you must be feeling. At least they made a game of it and didn't get blown out.

Tundra Bunny said...

A heartbreaking loss for the Oilers and their fans, but it wasn't the cakewalk the Panthers expected either! I take comfort in that...

Kay G. said...

Well, I wanted the Oilers to win just cause I know you wanted that! Dang it!

roentare said...

That crying animation is so touching

Guillaume said...

I don't think they ever got over losing Gretzky. And that was decades ago.

Joanne Noragon said...

I read the outcome this morning. I'm sorry.

Kirk said...

Sorry to hear this. I know it's a cliche, but there's always next year.

DB Stewart said...

I blame that shit smoothie, Trump. (It's where I channel all my anger since 2016).

Hena Tayeb said...

We too were bummed. Boo Panthers.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Sorry my friend! I can say that my local hockey aficionados were very happy. Cheers to next year!

This N That said...

So sorry about the Oilers loss. The Hershey Bears just won the Stanley Cup...#14... I think !!

Lady M said...

I saw those idiot floridians throwing the Stanley Cup in the ocean.

baili said...

i love your spirit here in this post dear friend Debra :)))

deserving awards specially last one oh look at her she is dazzling fan wow