Wednesday, 8 January 2025

An Ill Wind Blows No Good

Okay, let's end this post on a CLASSY note, shall we?

I can't embed this little video but click here 
for a short virtuoso performance of
Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in HANDFARTS

You're welcome.


Travel said...

All 12 year olds at heart.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I wonder if anyone has ever truly farted Concerto No. 3. I had a friend who used to belch Happy Birthday to You.

Boud said...

I think it's time I grew up. But not today!

Bob said...

I do imagine The Felon selling Bags o'Farts.

Tom said...

...amen, Bob!

Jamie Ghione said...

I agree with Bob. I can imagine that, too.

Ellen D. said...

I needed this humor, Debra, to balance out the horrors coming out of Frump.

Pixie said...

I love this and I laughed out loud. I could give Roland the farter a run for his money I think:)

Marie Smith said...

There is a cookie recipe from Newfoundlandwhich is called Moose Farts. It is a popular recipe with the grandkids and is requested every year! Now they make them too.

Frank said...

Here's one you may not have heard of: "Pets de Nonne" or Nun's Farts - something you'd have for breakfast in Northern Maine or in Quebec where they're apparently called "Pets de Soeur". Kind of like doughnut holes. My ex is Acadien from Maine and the first time I heard the Pet de Nonne was from him. Recipe here:

Cleora Borealis said...

Thanks for the laughs! 🤣🪂 I swear I could hang-glide on some of Hubby's farts!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Marie Smith -- Too funny! I've never heard of Moose Farts so I looked them up. I have heard of Unicorn Farts which appear to be very similar, but are covered in rainbow sprinkles.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Frank -- I've heard of Nun's Farts but have never indulged! Thanks for the recipe -- they sound yummy!

e said...

I laughed all the way through this post! Who doesn't love a good fart joke? The Nespresso one was truly magnificent!

How do we know said...

As always, hilarious!!!!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ e -- Yes, THAT'S the TV ad Nespresso should make with George Clooney, lol!

Mike said...

I bet I could get more than 30 acres.

Mary Kirkland said...

Those are great.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- Yeah, I bet they'd make you KING!

Kirk said...

Now let's see that guy fart Bach the OTHER way!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the Sam Neill story! Also, I would do much more than farting on clue for a 30 acre estate!!!


Tundra Bunny said...

All this flatulence reminds me of the old chestnut frequently written in the stalls of pay toilets at Eaton's flagship store in Winnipeg:

Here I sit, broken hearted.
Paid my dime and only farted.
Yesterday, I took a chance,
Saved the dime and shit my pants!

Kathy G said...

A great collection! Having birthed three boys there was a period in my life when everything was about farts.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- I believe Shakespeare wrote that poem originally, didn't he?

Tundra Bunny said...

@Debra She Who Seeks
No, I think it's from Isaiah 16:11 in the Bible!

DVArtist said...

Ohhh I am laughing so hard. Thanks for the funnies.

roentare said...

I used to attend a lecture on fart medicine by a Meritus professor in gastroenterology

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ roentare -- Now THAT would be an interesting course!

DB Stewart said...

Omg, yes indeed a huge portion of lies are fart-related, lol. Love these.

Janie Junebug said...

I laughed so hard at the concerto that Princess wants to know what's wrong with Mommy. The older I get, the louder my farts.I'm a one woman fart show.

Joanne Noragon said...

Excellent. Living the the same house as my BIL for thirty odd years taught me everything about flatulence.

Mr. Shife said...

Keep calm and fart on! Thanks for the chuckles, Debra!!

Fundy Blue said...

😂. I have no words! Of course you would post a fine collection of fart memes!

baili said...

Haha….hilarious dear Debra

Cloudia said...

Thanks for the much-needed laughs friend. Aloha!

Val Ewing said...

Trump Farts, now that would probably sell to his followers. Maybe that is how he made his cologne.

Guillaume said...

And that's why I hate coffee.

Jenn said...

This reminds of the card we used to always give my dad, "Happy Farters Day". It's still funny.

Busy Bee Suz said...

One nickname for our Biscuit is Stinkerbell, because she is constantly tooting!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm really glad I don't drink coffee now!