Monday, 20 January 2025

The Four WHO?


Tom said... is a day to honor a true King and a wantabe king.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, The best part of the furniture one is that there should be an apostrophe in "Goodwyn's Furniture".

Marie Smith said...

We live in scary times!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Panassus -- You're right! And I missed it because I was too busy looking at all the unnecessary apostrophes, LOL! Thanks for your sharp editorial eye!

Frank said...

I’m heading into my second week of pestilence with a mild but miserable case of Covid. Was able to avoid it till now but I must have let my guard down.

Guillaume said...

It feels like Apocalypse all right.

Bob said...

Procrastination. Yes, I will be the Fifth Horseman, once I get a few things done, and shower, and then try and find a horse.

Travel said...

The perfect four man crew for that one way flight to explore Mars.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Travel -- Agreed, LOL!

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you for making a gloomy day lighter.

Boud said...

The four h. of procrastination.. Stop looking at me!

Ol'Buzzard said...

These are great: love them.
the Ol'Buzzard

Val Ewing said...

Those last two nailed it for me and made me laugh. I needed that!
Thank you.

Jamie Ghione said...

Echoing Tom's comment at a true King vs. wannabe king.
I stole that last one about McPocalypse.

Cleora Borealis said...

😬 A good friend once tried, unsuccessfully, to get me to go white-water rafting. I tried very hard to say no without calling her mental health into question, as in "are you out of your f'ing mind?" I wish I would've had your oarsmen meme. I could've said "look, any activity so dangerous that Death wears a life vest for it should be avoided at all costs!" 😱😂

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Good ones! I needed a smile today

Pixie said...

I think the second worst thing about having to work with trump, would be all that shitty food. The first thing would have to be, pretending he's not insane. I don't have a poker face.

Leanna said...

The cartoon with the cat as Famine had me dying. I laughed really hard at that one because it's sooooo true. And Naughty Wilber. . . made me wonder. Ahahahaaahahaahahaaaa!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- Hahahahaha, you make an excellent point!

Mary Kirkland said...

Wow, those are great.

e said...

We've got to laugh lest we break down and sob.
I did like the Goodwyn's' sign. And much of the rest. It's just... such a terrible day and a preface to a terrible four years. Sigh.

Tundra Bunny said...

I guess Misinformation FINALLY stocked up on enough toilet paper to join the other horsemen...

@Cleora Borealis -- "any activity so dangerous that Death wears a life jacket is to be avoided at all costs".... AHAHAHAHA!

Katerinas Blog said...

We saw the swearing in live in Greece too!!