Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Is It Summer Yet?


Moving with Mitchell said...

So sorry. We already seem to be entering spring here (touch wood). Low 20sC all this week.

Tundra Bunny said...

Jeebus, I've played "Am I on the Road" for so many miles on our highways over the years, I should be on the Olympic driving team!

Tom said... the summer I tell people to keep it between the ditches, in winter keep it between the snowbanks. Debra, stay warm and well.

Val Ewing said...

When I used to drive 30 miles to and from work on crazy snowy roads, we played that game...where is the road? Stay between the ditches. Stay between the trees.

Our weather is quiet though, so other than everything being frozen, it isn't much of an issue today.

My dog does snow swimming!

Marie Smith said...

The last meme is true, I swear!

Anonymous said...

I just put out my garbage, felt like I was swimming through the snow. Also feel like I have run a marathon. There was over a foot of snow on top of the wheelie and the lid was frozen shut. Toronto is not doing well with the snow this year. I guess you get more out there though. Spring should arrive in another couple of months eh? Gigi

Bob said...

We were in the 80s a week or so ago, and today there's a slight possibility of snow.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Maybe if Satan was aware that Canada has such long, cold winters, he wouldn't be trying to make your country the 51st state of the USA.

Frank said...

Crazy New Mexico. As I type this at 6:30am temps range from 1 degree F to 34 degrees F but by next Tuesday Albuquerque, currently 24 degrees F, should get to 72 F. But not a drop of rain or a snow flake (except maybe on the mountain tops). Should I plant my garden next week?

Jamie Ghione said...

Weird weather in my area. It's been quite humid and a bit sweaty at night.

The Happy Whisk said...

omg we play the same game, am I on the road. lolololol

Travel said...

I agree with Pooh! Why are we not in Key West at this time of the year?

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, My house in Cleveland had ditches along the road, and fence posts marking my driveway. I always told people always to drive between the posts, but the even, smooth-looking snow apparently was too tempting, and some attempted to take a shortcut to the street, with the inevitable result of getting stuck in the ditch. And this ditch was deep enough that there was no driving out of it--it took a tow truck, and it was only sheer luck that no one broke an axle.

Boud said...

My little dog used to do that snow swimming, except she plunged like a fluffy little dolphin.

Marcia LaRue said...

I agree with Pooh and Piglet and I love the socks on the toilet seat!
S. CO = 9° warming to 27° today!

ArcticFox said...

after the 428 days of january, this february is flying by!!

Cleora Borealis said...

🏜 I have sympathy for all who are constantly hammered by weather! But, I also gloat that living in El Paso, TX helps me to avoid the worst of the worst! We get ugly weather every once in awhile, but we are in a bubble that keeps a lot of it at bay! Come visit for a weather vacay...we're also very welcoming!! 😃

Leanna said...

I loved all of these. Made me wish I was still posting "Meanwhile in Canada"

Adrasteja said...

Funny pictures! But February is definitely passing by too quickly for me :) Well, I guess that's good. I can't wait for spring, and then summer. They are my favorite seasons. Just a little longer to go :)
I just followed your blog - if you’d like, feel free to check out mine too :)

Kirk said...

That rollercoaster pretty much describes it.

This N That said...

Lo 20's all week but next week we may see 50... The weatherman said last night that we are having winters last hurrah! It's barely passed the middle of February but the way the weather's been lately he could be right... I love the lack of bugs this time of year..

Rade said...

These are great! Thank you for the chuckles! Rade

Katerinas Blog said...

Yes Debra January and February are some of the hardest months!! March is coming soon!!

Mary Kirkland said...

lol We hardly ever get snow here. It's warm today. Winter here is pretty mild. These are funny.

DVArtist said...

Good winter funnies.

Liz Hinds said...

Brrrr! Husband used to tell me that the fog would get so thick in Derbyshire where he grew up that he'd have to get out and check he was still on the road.

Ellen D. said...

These are great!

How do we know said...

Here in India, we have spring in Feb, so its lovely all around!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ditches be crazy!
And Dolly Plowtown? Sign me up!
As for that man swimming in the snow? Give him a medal right now!!!


angela said...

As usual, because I’m down the bottom of the earth, you have to reverse that curve graph.
Although we don’t get snow, it still can get very cold as the only thing between us and the South Pole is tiny little Tasmania

Rosemary said...

I thought you might have missed out on snow this year, but apparently not. Beginning to feel like spring here with mainly pink, white, and mauve flowers flourishing in the garden.

Kay G. said...

So doggone funny. x

Kathy G said...

At least February is more than halfway over.

Joanne Noragon said...

Time do work that way.

Anonymous said...

Codex: saw a cute one
Canada has been taking the boycott so seriously that they are counting Mississippis in Manitobans-1 Manitoba...

Patrycja G. (Pati) said...

Good haha :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Codex -- Hahahahaha, good one!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Hopefully almost over the hump here in western Maine. Last snow eighteen inches, single digit (Fahrenheit) winds gusting to fifty. Only without power for an hour. This week is sunny and mild in the twenties. Can almost see Spring coming. Walmart has put out swimming pool paraphernalia.
the Ol'Buzzard

Mr. Shife said...

Thanks for the laughs, Debra. As short as it is, February has still been a drag. I have a feeling the next fours years are going to feel like this. I absolutely loved those snow plow names.

Mike said...

I was 0F here this morning. But then I thought about you.

Mike said...


DB Stewart said...

I've definitely played that "am I on the road?" game.

Fundy Blue said...

All of these are great, Debra! 😂

Ur-spo said...

I remember asking a patient from Minnesota are you depressed. Yes! he replied It's February.

The Blog Fodder said...

Finally warmed up here. +2C today. Sick of this -30 stuff. I hopoe we stay at these temps through March

Busy Bee Suz said...

I refuse to believe that Pooh said fuck. 🤣

e said...

Love the memes!
We had a little snow, then an ice storm, then a little more snow and now we have an atmospheric river from somewhere warm. Really hoping that the snow pack in the mountains isn't washed away...

baili said...

Oh my precious Debra,may spring appear sooner to you 😇
Our winter left more than two weeks ago and now pleasant phase of the weather is on ,but sunny days have begun to get warmer honestly
Last one had me oh my

Rhiannon Rising said...

One of the only things I like about Virginia is that spring comes pretty early! 66 degrees today.

Barbara said...

Love, love, love the Snow Plat namings!