Thursday, 27 February 2025

Oh, C'MON -- We Gotta Gloat a LITTLE!

Canada wins 3 - 2
Trump is Führious


Tundra Bunny said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fuckin' right, eh?!

Val Ewing said...

The more Trump does, the more I love Canada and how they deal with things.
I am ashamed to admit that I am an American these days.
I also am fearful of what he is doing to everyone who needs help. The poor, the elderly, the veterans, and children. Dispicable.
Next time find some Meme's on Musk. We dislike him too.
I heard there is a petition to revoke his citizenship in Canada.
Thanks for your uplifting post this morning.

Bob said...

Yes, you have a right to gloat. Many of us in America are thrilled Canada won.
This: Trump is Führious is epic!

Rade said...

Awesome! Love these!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Val Ewing -- Oh yeah, I've got some great Musk memes I'll be posting soon! The petition to revoke Musk's Canadian citizenship has 300,000+ names now and is growing fast. However, it is extremely difficult to be stripped of Canadian citizenship (as it should be, as a protection against tyranny) and there are no legal grounds to do so in Musk's case. But the petition lets people vent their anger about him.

Tom said...

...amen, sister!!!!!!!!

Boud said...

A lot of us Murcans loved Trudeau's comment!

Mistress Maddie said...

I don't follow hockey, but it was worth the loss just to see Trump's f****** face.

Travel said...

Your hockey team should invite HWSNBN to join them in the ice. He might get hurt . . . smirk.

sirkkis said...

Congratulations 🥇

Ellen D. said...

I was so glad that Canada won! Congrats!

whkattk said...

LOL. I love them all. You should gloat a LOT, actually.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@whkattk -- Canadians don't like being gloaters or aggressively patriotic, but we're making an exception these days . . . .

Mike said...

LOL at the "Gulf".

Frank said...

I'm with you all the way. We may not have a functional government soon and we may be begging Canada to make the US a province or a territory.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Sorry, babes, but Trudeau gives me the tingle to mingle.
Now that THAT is out of the way, I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that Canada beat the US in hockey. And I don't even like hockey.
Hockey players, on the other hand...


How do we know said...

LOVE this one!!

LA Paylor said...

omgosh gloat away! the bottom meme is hilarious

Lady M said...

The position of leader of the free world is vacant. Is Canada stepping up?

Jamie Meyers said...

This American loves these. I'm appalled at my country.

Leanna said...

I'm a Texas girl and I LOVE Hockey and Curling. I will not lie, I cheered when Canada won. I loved the Prime Minister Trudeau over Tr卐mp meme and the Cobra Chicken over the Eagle too. Great stuff my friend and I'll make this greatest exception, all Canadians may gloat to their heart's content all they like. Y'all deserve it!

Cleora Borealis said...

🇨🇦 Canadian Geese make the very best hockey goons!! 🏒🤕
BTW, MapQuest is trolling Sphincter Face with a way to name the Gulf yourself. The site automatically puts in "Gulf of..." and then whatever word or words you add. You can then share it. 🤣👏

e said...

I was rooting for Canada the whole way! Um, Connor McDavid and Sidney Crosby on the ice together? Heck Yeah!
But the rest of it? Priceless! Love the memes. You know we are all on Canada's side, right?

Marie Smith said...

Love that last one!

Kathy G said...

Congratulations on the big win.

gz said...

Nice one!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Gulf of Second Place Hockey Teams! LOL. Oh, c’mon, you gotta gloat a LOT!

BootsandBraids said...

I love this 4 Nations Win for Canada, and tell Morgan Laidler that we in America know full well who/why he’s booing and to carry on.

This N That said...

Gloat away.. you deserve to!! Congratulations...Happy you made "IT" unhappy!!

Mr. Shife said...

Good stuff, Debra, and a good game for sure. I was torn because I am for Team USA but Team Canada had Jordan Binnington and Colton Parayko, who play for my favorite team, the Blues. Really enjoyed the Gulf of 2nd-place hockey teams.

roentare said...

The message is very clear

ArcticFox said...

favourite game on sega mega drive - nhlpa 93...... spent many long hours playing that...... sitting cross legged on the floorboards of my old scruffy house till my legs went numb..... looks down..... oh, sitting cross legged inmy office chair...33 years later

Kirk said...

I'm glad your country won.

Tundra Bunny said...

@ Travel -- I'd LOVE to see HWSNBN waddle out onto a rink and do a face plant on the ice like his hero Putin did a few years ago!

Joanne Noragon said...

Gloat away. The orange face deserves it. Even bought it.

Laura said...

these are all awesome! ~*~

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oooh, this American LOVES these!!!!

whkattk said...

Well, keep it up...and get louder if you can!

Ur-spo said...

Keep this up; I fear thems on the Right in Canada will sell you out.

DB Stewart said...

Yes, and we will continue to boo that asshole of a president.