Saturday, 15 February 2025

This Blog Is Flying the Canadian Flag Today!

Sixty years ago on February 15, 1965, Canada officially adopted its current flag as our national emblem. It was a big deal and I remember it very well. I was in Grade 2 at the time and we spent weeks using up all our red crayons to colour endless mimeographed copies of our new flag.

The new flag was one more step in Canada's evolution away from Britain. Since Confederation in 1867, our flag had been the Red Ensign, with its emphasis on the Union Jack, English, Scottish and Irish settlers, French settlers, and some maple leaf symbolism:

Apart from the Canadian Flag's 60th anniversary, Canadians are being asked today to display our flag in front of our homes, on our balconies, in our windows, on our vehicles, and everywhere else, for another reason as well.

Canadian leaders have called for a national mass display of the flag this weekend to demonstrate our unity in the face of the Trump administration's threats, bullying and intimidation tactics against our economy and especially against our sovereignty as an independent country.

I don't have an actual flag to put on my balcony, so I'm flying a virtual one here on my blog instead.

And what the hell, since I'm being patriotic anyway, here's a video of the incomparable Ginette Reno singing O Canada in French and English at a Montreal Canadiens hockey game a few years ago too.


Mike said...

I'd like to get the red crayon contract for the Canadian schools.

Sassybear said...

This made me tear up. We have always loved Canada and tried to move there years ago. You have a beautiful country and your pride in it is to be envied. So many of us hate what Age Orange and his cronies are saying about, and doing to, Canada and our relationship with you. I am proud of Canada, NOT the USA!

Tom said...

...good for you! As a young boy I remember the Red Ensign flag. Your current flag is a fabulous design, fly it proudly!

sirkkis said...

Canada has a very beautiful flag; and I congratulate your 60 years anniversary 🫡🎉

Pixie said...

I didn't know. I'll have a find a flag, thanks for sharing. That woman has an amazing voice.

Marie Smith said...

No one can do it like Ginette. Go Canada!

Bob said...

I never knew Canada had a different original flag; I'd only seen the maple leaf one.
And now I wish I had a Canadian flag because I'd fly it today in support!

Rade said...

Fantastic! Thank you for the history lesson! It is a lovely country that I look forward to visiting again! Rade

Yorkshire Pudding said...

What a powerful and inspiring rendition of "O Canada" by Ginette Reno - a mature singer with absolute faith in her ability to deliver the anthem to a packed stadium. Even though I am not Canadian, it brought tears to my eyes - partly because of recent demonic threats from south of the border.

Boud said...

Happy maple leaf flag day! I remember my Canadian sisters getting all up in their feels about this, very excited to ditch the colonial one.
It's appropriate to have a big show of solidarity today, too. Heck, if I had a maple leaf flag I'd fly it too!

Travel said...

Sorry about HWSNBN, he is an idiot, most of us didn't vote for him. Feel free to run him out of office.
On a call yesterday, someone pointed out that Canada would be 20 states, 40 new senators, who are all accustomed to having universal health coverage, fair wages, limited military spending.

Laura J said...

Flying the flag…and so are several neighbours!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

Frank said...

We’ve always enjoyed our trips to Canada. We took a family trip to Quebec when I was 14 and I remember when I was going to college in Vermont and a friend and I hitchhiked to Montreal. Hubs and I have been there several times and had a great time in Vancouver,BC. We support Canada in every way that will thwart the evil machinations of the felonious liar who has usurped the presidency of the US.

Ellen D. said...

I'm glad that Canada is standing up to our awful current president. Thank you!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh canada!!!! wave that flag!!

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, To help you celebrate the Canadian flag, I saved the image then opened it in its own window, so it will be flying on my computer all day.

By the way, the link to the song did not appear so I looked it up on Youtube. Quite a commanding performance, and one got the feeling the she really did not need that microphone! I also looked up Ginette Reno in Wikipedia, and she has had an impressive career.

Cleora Borealis said...

🇨🇦👏 I applaud your evolution of throwing off one monarchy and resisting the new one in the US!! I still get upset at US residents who act as though we should be subjects of a monarch:
On our 200th anniversary, I came unglued watching the equestrian events at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics. Queen Elizabeth was in the stands to watch her daughter, Princess Anne, compete in dressage. The British riders each stopped at the royal box, doffed their top hats, and had their horses "bow." I thought well, yah, I guess they gotta. Then, the US riders did the same thing!! Augh!! 😵‍💫😱 R U F'ing Kidding Me?! We are not her subjects...remember how we fought a war so we, and our horses, wouldn't have to bow and curtsy!! 🤬
Any time a British royal visits the US, there are still people in the US government who take a class in how to bow and curtsy. Guys, we don't do that. It's not respect or etiquette for's history!
😃 Anyhoo, your anthem is way better than ours!! 🤗🇨🇦

Leanna said...

I'd like to believe that I'm a bit of Canadian under my skin. That video made me tear up.

Anonymous said...

🇨🇦 I was in grade 3, but unlike you I have only the vaguest memory. Thanks for sharing yours. I’ve been wearing a Canadian flag pin on my coat for a few weeks now, and today I got out my Canada Olympic mittens. Jayne

Bohemian said...

Congrats on the 60th and you all should be proud and stand in solidarity against this vile Regime our damned Country voted in like a bunch of Morons. I'm in solidarity and support of all our Friends and Allies, fuck the MAGA and their Orange Moron.

Kirk said...

That the person running my country (into the ground) has designs on your country sickens me to no end.

Sandy said...

I've always loved The Canadian Anthem. It's far easier to sing than the US one for sure, and I like the words. Fly your flags with proud Canada. Many of us in the US are horrified at what comes out of the orange blobs mouth, and the things he's doing to our good and long time friends up north. It angers and saddens me beyond measure. I'm so disgusted that so many voted him in. Far too many Racists in our midst. Rest assured he will not diminish our fondness for you. It's going to be a very long 4 years I fear. We cheer all who fight him. I didn't know the Canadian Maple Leaf was that recent. Didn't know the history behind that, so thank you for posting it.

Katerinas Blog said...

Shocking Renο!
Very honored to put your flag on your blog today!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, not everyone is behind the Great Pumpkin, the Muskrat, or the other oligarchs.
I certainly hope that more and more Americans come to see them for the fascist imbeciles they are, and start challenging him at every turn by filing lawsuits in every jurisdiction.
If the courts will stand up to them, then maybe the politicians will remember who they work for.
We must be patient enough for their testicles to drop again.
They have until November when the first round of ousters can happen by vote.

Laura said...

I support your display of the Canadian Flag and Canadian Soverignty to itself. It should never be the 51st state of the US (and isn't Puerto Rico sort of considered the 51st state? - no offense meant to Puerto Ricans everywhere, I'm truly not sure of the status.) Happy Canadian Day? :-)

Tundra Bunny said...

In 1945, Canada minted its own Victory nickel to celebrate the end of WWII. Around the edge of this coin, in Morse Code, is the motto: WE WIN WHEN WE WILLINGLY WORK".... and working together is truly Canadian. Maple Leaf forever!

angela said...

Happy flag day. I do love your flag. It’s simple and instantly recognisable

Joanne Noragon said...

Love your flag, your anthem, your country.

Kathy G said...

I am fascinated by flags and their history.

ArcticFox said...

be nice if we could all just get along, wouldn't it......

Mary Kirkland said...

Happy flag day.

Hena Tayeb said...

Go Canada.. save yourself from the orange turd.

e said...

I love the Maple Leaf. I love the Great White North. I fly the flag on July 1.
I would like to nominate Oregon and Washington as the 11th province, or the 4th territory, either way.
I have read that Justin Trudeau will be stepping down, but he is doing a great job of holding back the insanity at the southern border.

baili said...

Heart touching and very emotional dear Debra 🥹
I saw this side of your first time and felt proud to have you as my friend 👍😘
Things seems to be at their wired est stage sadly. Unexpected is happening.
I loved Canada through few blogs and many travel videos ♥️
I hope God will keep this flag high and Canada safe from evil 🙏♥️

The Happy Whisk said...

Blog flag counts too! Love that. I really dig the maple leaf. As someone who bakes with a loooottttt of local down the road maple, the baker in my LOVES that flag. Love it.

Fundy Blue said...

I vividly remember when the Maple Leaf flag replaced the Red Ensign. My family members who served during WWII and others under the Red Ensign were sad to see it replaced. We colored flags too, even though I was in grade 9. I made a joke in a text to my brother on Valentine's Day about the sudden reappearance of plastic straws in Waikiki. OMG! I was excoriated by my siblings and slammed with dozens of flags on the 15th. Now I understand why they were hurling flags at me. For a couple of hours I thought my family was going to disown me, seriously! I loved your "Take off, eh?" post. People need to laugh a little, even if they are angry.

The Blog Fodder said...

Our flag sort of fell into disrepute because of the Convoy Idiots but we have proudly reclaimed it. I need to buy one just because. No rednecks around here or i would buy a trans flag too.