Friday, 28 February 2025

Friday Face OFF -- The Coffee Date

For this week's Friday Face OFF link party
of art featuring faces, hosted by Nicole of

Here's another quick direct-to-paper ink sketch,
supplemented with contrasting ink- and watercolour washes.

I decided to fill in the (inadvertently) leftover white space
with some lettering and coffee beans!

We've all been on those
awkward first coffee dates,
haven't we, LOL?

I hope it works out for them!

[Art and photo of art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2024]


Tom said...

...February 9, 1966, my Sweetie and I had our first date, but no coffee for me.

Marie Smith said...

You captured it the awkwardness so well. Love it.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

You know I love watercolor art!
It brings some kind of movement to the piece that I don’t see in oil pieces.


sirkkis said...

A super sketch, I reaĺy love it 🥰

My name is Erika. said...

They look like it's going better than the couple I saw a few weeks back who both sat down and didn't say a word to each other but played on their phones. Great sketch!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is lovely my friend!
Honestly, I've never had a first date that was over coffee. Also, I've not had a first date since 1985. 🤣

Bob said...

I'm getting a 'this is not a good date' vibe. He looks a little tight lipped and she's sitting at the very edge of the table.

Travel said...

Cafe culture, we can learn from the French how to live well.

Granny Annie said...

There is something pretty wonderful about conversation sitting across the table from a stranger or a friend and a good cup of coffee.

ArcticFox said...

oh god.... i am so glad i am not in the dating game........

Tasker Dunham said...

I wish I had your talent. I can't do visual art at all.

Violetta said...

Nice drawing - I love having coffee....and a nice talk.
All the best