Today is the Winter Solstice --
the longest night and shortest day of the year.
It marks the beginning of the pagan holiday of Yule.
After today, the light returns a bit longer each day . . .
. . . and promises the eventual return of
Spring and the fertility of the earth.
During the twelve days of Yule, the Norse God Odin
leads the Wild Hunt across the skies,
riding his eight-legged horse Sleipnir and
accompanied by his sacred ravens.
The All-Father leaves gifts for children everywhere.
I think we all know who he became
when Christianity took over and . . . .

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, enough of this MALARKEY!
You don't have to believe all
the holidays!
So for all you LEVEL-HEADED types out there
(unlike my hopelessly goofy human),
here are MY seasonal greetings to YOU --
Solstice already? Thank goodness. I was beginning to think the daytime was just an unfounded rumor.
I agree with Her Royal Highness. Our ancestors certainly made a huge myth-illogical fuss over a simple matter of planetary axial tilt.
There was an actual eight-legged horse born at Chernobyl after the meltdown (I saw a photo at the time). Norse mythology predicted the future!
I like the last one.
YAYZ for longer dayz!
(sings) on the first day of yule, my true love gave to meeeeeeeeeeeee...
Happy Yule, Debra! Wishing you the best!
Thank goddess for Her Royal Highness! Oh, and god jul!
So nice to see HRH's Christmas address to the people!
LOL!! I was thinking: "this is really deeeeeep" and then the cat comes to keep it real. I love it!
Have a great weekend!
Happy Winter Solstice! HRH always makes me laugh!
Merry Solstice!
That cat needs a tighter leash Debs!!!!!! LOL!
But that picture with the reindeer and woman made me happy.
I always loved reading mythology. The library had a whole shelf of stories of gods and goddesses. But one book was missing from that section.
If and when we get folks accepting it as myth we might be able to accept the fact that there is no ...
No, another babe will be born etc etc etc.
In the mean time I enjoy my rational but goofy friends.
I like the whole notion of winter solstice. Even though it's often a cold, blustery time of year, it somehow feels "cozy", if you get what I mean. Thanks to the cat for keeping it real, as they always do. -Jenn
Ah it is isn't it! I am going out with a friend today for some holiday cheer which should help on the darkest day of the year. But at least here it is cold and sunny. When I lived in Seattle it was dark and rainy for months on end...
Allie of
Lovelovelove!!! Pawspurr, My Friend, Pawspurr!
**blows kisses**
The axial tilt is the reason for the season!
Merry Solstice!!!
Happy Yule! David and I celebrated with a nice breakfast at IHop this morning and then we exchanged our first Yule presents. His was the Death Wish coffee for me and I gave him a new wallet. All our gifts are supposed to be under $20 no matter what. When are you going to get another cat? You need a new pet in your life.
I hope your solstice is a cheerful one with lots of warmth and light.
I did not know this about yule. I'm going to apply for continuing education credits for learning this.
That All-Father's horse is going to fall down.., its legs are all tangled.
Interesting you show Spock. I once did a 15-part series about Star Trek on my own blog, and there I pointed out that in the original episode "Amok Time" and in the feature film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, the Vulcans acted a lot like Pagans, except they have no gods or goddesses to speak of, just logic and something called "katra", which resembles what Christians, and for all I know, Pagans, call a "soul"
Happy Yule!!!
A very enjoyable post.
Happy Winter Solstice!
I miss you, HRH.....may you be enjoying unlimited crinkle wrap and peppermints wherever you are!
Happy Yule! We do not celebrate at all. I do respect those that do and always wish them a happy holiday.
Ohhh BTW I wanted to say I loved the post.
The problem with Yule is that it has become so commercial. When I was a child the Solstice was a time to spend with friends and family, desperately huddling together to ward off frostbite. Sure we would sacrifice some pigs and horses and war prisoners, but it was all to ensure that the sun would return and we would not be left in darkness forever. Nowadays you need a great big Yule log so you don't look bad compared to the Sturlusons. You need to put out Skyr and meat each night so your doors don't get sniffed and your candles don't get eaten. And of course you need to make sure you have fresh clothing for Solstice, or Jólaköttur will eat you. Humbug. Keep the Odin in Yule, says I.
Another minute of light a day! Another minute of light a day. That's what I'm in it for.
Happy Solstice and enjoy the royal visit from Harry, Meghan and Baby Archie!
Let's remember the reason for the season
HRH, your wisdom never stops. You are so right. I shall delight in the holiday cheer (especially if someone gives me candy I like).
Happiest Winter Solstice, Debra!
And may the Force be with Yule!
They had a Winter Solstice service at the Unitarian Church today but I got up too late to go. I loved the top cross-stitch. I saved it to my Pinterest Christmas cross-stitch board. And I saved the cat to post on New Year's. Keep 'em coming.
Hello Debra, I loved the picture/story of the eight legged horse. It makes me feel less bad about being all thumbs.
The best day in the year… even if it is a little chilly.
All hail the Solstice! Here in the damp and darkness of Cascadia, the Winter Solstice is a critical event. The return of the Light is profoundly felt in these climes. Of course, it poured down rain all day and I was not able to get a bonfire going... still, I celebrated with friends and we warmed our souls with grog. Ok, bourbon. Same diff.
May the Goddess bless you and yours in the coming year!
I'm glad that we'll gradually have more light each day. I don't like it when I feel as if I should be in bed at 5 p.m. because it's dark. Happy Solstice!
Happy Winter Solstice! So happy the days will start getting longer. And it's always a blast when HRH drops by :)
2020 doesn't look to be at all logical
I will settle for serene.
Work prevented me for celebrating the beginning of Yule but I'm going to make up for it. I'm looking forward to hearing the hooves of Sleipnir over the coming days. Hail the All-father - the real Father Christmas!
HRH, you are too cute! LOL! Happy Yule Debra! Big Hugs and Many Blessings to you and your Rare One!
Absolutely love the final one! But also the hare one.
....... and, May the Force Be With You.
I always enjoy your myth, history, legend posts!
On the evening of solstice, I looked thoughtfully at the sun and thought, "Ha, ha you bastard, you have to start getting up earlier for work now, just like the rest of us!"
I love Yuletide. Sad this is going to be over so very soon now.
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