Monday 9 January 2023

Wakey Wakey!

So which kind are you?


Moving with Mitchell said...

I like the early morning but I like to be left alone. Just don't talk to me and all will be fine.

Jennifer said...

That clip of Edie from AbFab is my favorite!!! Ha!

Boud said...

Well, I'm in the camp of: I'll rise but I won't shine, dammit.

G. B. Miller said...

Sadly, ever since the mid 90's, mostly due to my wife getting up early for work, I stopped using an alarm clock to wake up. I'm up between 5a and 5:30a every. single. rotten. day. Sometimes earlier, but almost never later.

And no, I'm really not a morning person. At all.

Bob said...

Sorry ... I'm a morning person.

Mistress Maddie said...

You can take a guess, lol!!!!!!

Every job I ever had, has had me rising and shining very early Debs. But I have and I suspect I will always be a night owl. On weekends I don't head to bed till at least 3:30 am.

Of course, some neighbors have chickens and roosters... and some nights those dumb cocks are crowing before 4am!!!!!!!

Bruce.desertrat said...

Involuntary morning person. Would sleep in happily, but this obnoxious "having to make a living" thing just won't go away...

BootsandBraids said...

Those are HILARIOUS. Especially the last two. Inasmuch as it's 5:30 in the morning and I'm online while I wait for the rest of the neighbors to wake up so I can make noise around here without disturbing them, I'd say I'm a morning person.

Pixie said...

I like mornings as I get so tired in the evenings. However, I don't like 5am mornings, 6 or 7am is much more civilized. Unfortunately, nursing starts at 7am. Why!?

Frank said...

Hubby has to leave for work before 6am; We both get up by 5. We have coffee/light breakfast together then I make his lunch while he gets ready. What we do for love. The auto-wake up works on weekend as well, unfortunately.

Ellen D. said...

I am a morning person who wishes she could sleep later but wakes up early no matter what.

Marcia LaRue said...

Definitely a morning person and feel like I overslept if I roll out at 7 a.m.

Leanna said...

I'm the woman who gets blinded by the sun when she opens the blinds. Yeah, that's me.

baili said...

Hahaha I so enjoyed these dear Debra
I can relate so we with one who's alarm did not ring lol
The naughtiest the bugs I am afraid of him more than Sylvester haha
God bless you my friend. Such a sweet gesture to sprinkle "laughs "

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I like both morning and late nights and practice both regularly. But my choice would be early mornings before the rest of humanity is up and it's quiet and peaceful and I can pretend the world isn't falling apart.

Tundra Bunny said...

Bugs Bunny and I are kindred spirits... if I'm forced to be awake before 7 AM, my eyes look like two piss holes in the snow, LOL!

Marie Smith said...

Love that first one!

e said...

More of a morning person, but the 'leave me alone' type. Happily, I live alone so that's no longer an issue. I worked the early shift for decades and it's taken me several years of retirement to be able to sleep late. At first, sleeping until 7am was a challenge. Now I can stay up late reading and sleep until 8am! Such a rebel!

Janie Junebug said...

I have to be a morning person because of work. On days off, I love taking it slow in the morning. My ex-husband was always up early because of his mania. That was when I wanted to stab a morning person.


roentare said...

So hilarious. I am a morning person

angela said...

I get up early and get going. It seriously not a happy morning person.
I usually wake up about half an hour after I get out of bed lol

Mike said...

The best part of being retired is not getting up before noon. I'll go to bed anywhere from 2am to 4am(or 5... once in a while 6). Sometimes I have to set an alarm for an early morning torture appointment. And when that happens I greet the morning with a resounding F********CK!

Joanne Noragon said...

Those are all wonderful. But this person had to rise and shine before 7:30 two mornings in a row!

Lady M said...

Such a morning person. Got out of bed at 4 am today.

Dunstan Skinner said...

I flip flopped in the course of life. First, I was a night owl. I only felt fully alive after 11 at night. So I always worked swing shift so I didn't stress about being late for work. Usually that worked. I could manage to show up by 3 in the afternoon. Then when I was promoted to a graveyard position I discovered the joys of morning, quiet and peaceful, a lovely time to be in the park. Now I'm almost always up by 5. I write, I crank the tunes, I cook a meal from scratch, and often take a walk all before 7:30. I'm sometimes ready for a drink by 11 - plenty of time for a nap later. I'm usually in bed by 8pm. I'll probably change my habits again, but that is how live right now.

Travel said...

I am a morning person, married to a mid-day person.

Liz Hinds said...

The stabber.
Love that first little dog one and the cat. That sense of 'what the ?'

The Happy Whisk said...

Honest laugh out loud on the last one. I would be the person getting stabbed. 100%

Adam said...

My son wakes me up around five each morning 😩😴😫🥱

Kirk said...

Probably a night person, but if I DO manage to get up early on a day where I don't have to go to work, I quite enjoy it. But first I have to go through the agony of getting up first.

Bill Lisleman said...

not a morning person, love sleeping in,
I have done early morning work in the past because I was forced.
The most unusual creature is one that runs at day break.

yellowdoggranny said...

I love the Austin Texas billboard sign ... a lot.stealing ...a lot of these..

Busy Bee Suz said...

Raises hand and shouts: I'd like to stab morning people!

LL Cool Joe said...

Love Love Eddie!

Richard said...

Oh no, not yet. Let me just sleep for another hour. When i wake up i will be in Ukraine and i will have to fight this Putin and the whole thing that he has sold his soul for.. He wiĺl always lose, because we are singers.
Because who would you go with? Would you go with Putin? Is that the way to go? This is my message to the Kremlin.

I think Putin is a bad dictator. If he was good, then why are so many people running away?

The Captain said...

I love the morning as long as work isn't involved.

The Blog Fodder said...

Early morning or late night. depends on situation. So glad I am retired and can sleep if I want (or if I can). I need two cups of coffee before I function in the morning and empathize with all the memes of people trying to cope with morning.

Ur-spo said...

Every morning (more or less) I send a 'good morning' meme to my nearest and dearest.
I hope they find this nice. No one seems to be willing to tell me to stop it's annoying.

Kay G. said...

I am not a morning person so this post cracks me up.