Wednesday 19 July 2023

Back in MY Day . . .

Remember THESE stories?

Of course, now it's OUR turn
to let whippersnappers know
how tough WE had it!

Such stories appear to be a UNIVERSAL need,
no matter the species or lack thereof!

Oh well, today's youngsters
will be old one day too and then
it will be THEIR turn to bitch
about how rough THEY had it!


Angela said...

Lots of the current generation are already whining about his hard it’s for them. Way harder than we had it. We have no idea how hard!
I love all the memes

Mistress Maddie said...

The Silly Putty had me rolling. And only because it's true! I use the term back in the day all the time.

Marie Smith said...

We always have fun with the “back in our day” stories with the grandkids. We are such boomers after all.

Bob said...

Silly putty memes! I died.

Pixie said...

My favorite, the rectal thermometer, of course:) Back in my day, we still used them.

Travel said...

What wonders await us in the next 20 years?

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

It was the final one that made me "harumph!" (like an old person). -Jenn

Boud said...

Ha! Back in my day we had to learn dbaseIII to operate at work even if we weren't the computer people. White letters on green screens! Uphill in the snow year round. And now you don't visit. I'm fine. I'll eat my lunch alone. In the dark.

Janie Junebug said...

You've started my day with a smile. My dad walked to school, uphill both ways, with a horse he had to carry, while he was chased by Indians (native Americans). Something that really was different for my kids was the bathroom situation. The two of them shared a bathroom and fought over it. We had eight people in the house and a single bathroom for everyone, and as the youngest, I was the last one to get in it!


Old Lurker said...

Is the 70s aesthetic back? Thank goodness.

Given that rats live for 2-3 years at most, there would have been plenty of opportunities for Grandpa Rat to shop at Amazon.

Ol'Buzzard said...

If you remember silly putty... and it bounced!
the Ol'Buzzard

whkattk said...

These are great! Thanks for the laughs!

Ellen D. said...

These really had me chuckling! I'm always going on about our dial phone (just one!) in our home and you couldn't stay on too long (no long distance allowed!) and if no one was home, no one answered and no messages could be left. Of course, my folks had NO phones when they were young and had to write long letters to stay in touch so we couldn't complain! :)

Deedles said...

I loved these! Back in my day penny candy cost a penny. A penny was money. I felt really old when I heard a zygote of a You Tuber say that they'd never seen Jaws because they weren't into old movies. I recall watching it in a theater while pregnant with my first. I wanted to strangle that kid with my pantyhose except I don't own any anymore. *SIGH*.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Deedles -- I remember when penny candy cost a penny too! Man, those were the days.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh yes, I had to go outside to the toilet even in freezing cold weather. None of this heated houses with indoor toilets for us.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, these are too good. The climbing the snow one? I swear...
Also, hitting people with another 2020 story... LOL


Barbara said...

I knew this was going to be hilarious just from the title and it was. However, now that I have remembered Silly Putty, I just wonder if they make it anymore. I was going to search on Amazon but then I remembered I don't have Sunday Funnies or comic books to use it on. Darn. Life goes on without it I guess.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, I measured it on Google maps--from my house to my elementary school was 3/4 mile. This was walked 4 times per day (back and forth twice) because we went home for lunch, so a total of three miles per day, more than I usually walk now. No school buses, although I suppose in really bad weather out mother drove us, but that was rare. The cool thing about walking to school was picking up junk from the curb on trash day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- My walk to school was 1/2 mile, also 4 times a day. Once I got a bicycle, it was a faster commute, lol. My parents NEVER drove any of us to school. That was unheard of back in MY day!

Kay G. said...

We would walk around town and try to see if anyone had thrown out any Coke bottles. You could take them to the store and they would give you...was it 3 cents per bottle? Am I remembering that correctly? Whatever it was, it was enough to buy a nice size bag of penny candy. Heaven!

roentare said...

This is definitely touching me!

Tundra Bunny said...

AHAHAHAHAHA, so true! Now I fully understand my Mom's grimace in the 1980's at news of my "discovery" of "vintage" fashions from the 1940's -- sorry, Mom!

Lady M said...

I did walk to school - it was pretty common in the 1970 and 1980s.

Joanne Noragon said...

Yep, uphill both ways to get to school, on foot. Home for lunch, back to school.

Laura said...

these are great! i'd forgotten about silly putty. haha
love & magicks

Mike said...

Your car had a cassette deck?! Mine only had an AM radio!

Kirk said...

Oh, yes, Silly Putty. You'd make a copy of a comic strip or whatever, marvel at it for a second, then move on to something else, the novelty of it having quickly faded. But that was true with a lot of playthings.

Leanna said...

I had to steal the dog meme. It was too good to pass up. These are all so funny.

River said...

I love these thank you. Can't wait to tell the one year old twins about "back in my day".

Alison said...

As the saying goes, every generation has their own "hard times". Or at least what they perceived them to be. LOL!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The rectal thermometer!!
Laughing at Let me tell you about 2020! TRUE STORY.

e said...

OMG, I laughed at every single one! I can't even pick a favorite.
Thanks for the lols, Debra!

This N That said...

My car didn't even have a cassette deck...We often walked to school because it was fun...Visited the local soda fountain on the way..

Moving with Mitchell said...

Penny candy!!! 2 cents for a pretzel rod. My brother-in-law always told his sons he had a 2-mile walk to school uphill both ways. He showed us all one day. He lived at the bottom of a hill. His school was at the ”other bottom.”

Mr. Shife said...

Thanks for the chuckles, Debra. Some of these were too funny, especially the older thermometer. Ha.

The Captain said...

I'm posting a cartoon next week which is a parody of the 4 Yorkshireman sketch. As a Yorkshireman myself this is really my territory. 😂😂😂

Open Your Heart to Gardening said...

So much has changed. Life was indeed hard back then but we managed it.

Iris Flavia said...

Seesh, I have o pop in more often. The first is plain hilarious!!!
I remember, though - it must´ve been 1977, the snow piled up so high on the sidewalks, I could not see the street...

The poor thermometer...

Guillaume said...

Pretty funny.

Ur-spo said...

I live nearby a school. It is two short blocks away. I am told no child is allowed to walk to school given 'risks'.
I have long wanted to go back to my elementary school and measure the walk to home, for it seems long but I guess it is half to a mile away. Nowadays kids would not be allowed.

Martha said...

HAHA! Love these. And I'm old enough to totally relate. Although I could never use that difficult walk to school stuff. My elementary and high school were both in the neighbourhood I lived in. It took me just a few minutes to get to either one.

Adam said...

I'm not really prepared to be that old person

The Happy Whisk said...

I remember copying comics that way. Oh my gosh. Too funny.

baili said...

everyone seems to find his own time most hard because he has only this time to experience .but grandmas and mom stories are great source to unveil how tougher the past was than present and it always be going like this :)

Richard said...

These get more funny, each time I look.

Rommy said...

LOL, my Darling Youngest being into the 80's aesthetic always baffles me. I'd blame Stranger Things, but he liked it before then too.