Saturday 12 August 2023

Maui Disaster

I'm heartbroken by the wildfire disaster in Maui -- the rising death toll, people's displacement and loss of homes/businesses/livelihoods, the economic devastation this will mean to Maui for years to come. And then there's the horrible loss of Maui's main tourism hub, Lahaina, with all its history and significance.

I've been to Maui several times over the past 20 years and know the island well. And I've spent so many pleasant and entertaining hours in Lahaina Town at its stores, restaurants, wonderful luau facilities, museums and historic buildings, the Banyan Tree, its annual Halloween festivities (see my posts here and here) and its two labyrinths found at Lahaina churches. It is almost inconceivable that everything, EVERYTHING, is gone now.

I previously blogged about one of Lahaina's labyrinths (here and here), but not yet about the second one. I'm going to post about that labyrinth on Monday, as a tribute to the town and its place in my heart and memories.


Boud said...

Thank you. It's A terrible tragedy, for the people with deep roots there, and the history.

Frank said...

It is very sad what has happened in Maui. I never would have expected a wild fire there. I have been to Big Island, Oahu and Kauai, but never to Maui. All beautiful. Major disasters have been happening all over the world. What is going on?

Mistress Maddie said...

It is all rather heartbreaking to see, isn't it? With this and all the worlds disasters I wonder where all these people will go?

Lady M said...

Climate change is destroying so much. It is really a shame. I think the GOP should have to pay for it.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I have been shocked by this event, a tragedy on so many levels. I tried to read more about it, but there is very little on the internet yet other than video, so I will wait for some updated assessments. --Jim

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely tragic. I love Maui and have been to Lahaina many times. It's gut-wrenching.

Mike said...

We've been there twice. The first time it was a November. We went to the top of the volcano and I got to throw snowballs in Hawaii.

There is still hope for the Banyon tree. May it will be a rallying point for the Lahina recovery.

Pixie said...

I remember wandering down that street, thinking how beautiful it was and especially loved the Banyan tree. It's heartbreaking.

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my gosh, heartbreaking.

roentare said...

I only heard about it on news yesterday. It is a sad state of disaster.

angela said...

Tragic. As an Australian we know wildfires and how devastating they are.
It strikes terror in our hearts everything we hear of them.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

it's so so sad. it breaks my heart.

Marcia LaRue said...

Climate change and human's total disregard for all the warnings of cleaning up our use of the major pollutants!
The whole world 🌍 has had multiple warnings!

Joanne Noragon said...

Such a tragedy and so much life lost. And the property, but oh, the life lost.

Guillaume said...

That's why I get borderline angry when people long for hot summers. Or are happy when autumn is hot. Climate change is real and it is affecting us more and more.

Marie Smith said...

Such a tragedy and the death toll is still rising! It’s been a terrible year for disasters.

Ellen D. said...

So awful!

Richard said...

It is so sad. I think the people didn't even have time to run away. The more we hear, the worse it gets.

Mike said...

Maybe 🙄

River said...

I am very sorry about the loss of a beautiful place I always wanted to visit but never did.

Rosemary said...

The images of what happened in Maui are unbelieveable - so much loss of life and destruction - do people still not believe in climate change?

Travel said...

Such a tragic mess.

Martha said...

What a horrifying tragedy! It's so heartbreaking.

Gigi said...

It is a horrific tragedy. But yet, people still want to believe climate change isn't real - but over and over again we are seeing the very real collateral damage.

My heart goes out to Hawaii.

DB Stewart said...

It's terribly sad.

Hena Tayeb said...

It is so awful.. so tragic. My heart breaks.

Bea said...

It's stomach-churning to learn about the absolute destruction of Lahaina. I have never visited Hawaii and can only imagine how those with ties to the area such as yourself are feeling right about now. Awful, awful situation on Maui. x

Bill Lisleman said...

My wife and I enjoyed a great vacation there once. We remember sitting on a bench under the Banyan tree. A terrible disaster linked to global warming.

Kirk said...

Until now, I've never associated wildfires with the tropics. I guess they can happen anywhere and everywhere. Global warming may indeed make it happen anywhere and everywhere.

Bob said...

I lived there for a few years after visiting many times, right in LaHaina, and this makes me cry.
So sad ...

Liz Hinds said...

THe fires all sound horrendous. It's such a scary uncontrollable thing.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is devastating and so very heartbreaking. I've never been to any of the Hawaiian islands.

This N That said...

People must be getting the "Global warming message" by now..especially after this summer..So sad..I hope it's not too late but I fear it may be..

Adam said...

Been pretty horrible

yellowdoggranny said...

for more reason than one I am grieving for this tragedy. no news yet

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ yellowdoggranny -- I hope you get news -- good news -- soon, Jackiesue.

Fundy Blue said...

I was thinking of you a lot, Debra, as I listened to many news reports since the fire. I know how much you loved Maui and Lahaina. It breaks my heart. It's still hard to grasp that everything is gone and that there are still over 1000 people unaccounted for.

Barbara said...

There but for the Grace of God. How easily it could have been anyone of us. Such a tragic loss of life.

baili said...

Heard about the wildfire in there dear Debra.
It is very disturbing and sad indeed to learn how large jungle is burning. And how so many people are affected badly unfortunately!
My heartfelt prayers for them