Friday 15 July 2022

Listen To Your Auntie Debra


Valerie said...

Ha Ha! Voodoo and fire ants for the win!

Travel said...

Where can I get a ton of fire ants?

How do we know said...

oh i love EACH of these.. but the loan shark is the best!

Marie Smith said...

Love that second one! So true!

Tasker Dunham said...

I like the loan shark.

Breenlantern said...

Potato Juice is my new go to description.


Tundra Bunny said...

A retired lawyer advises followers to rob banks... ohhhh, how the mighty have fallen, LOL!

Leanna said...

BWAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA! That loan shark got me.

pam nash said...

oooooh - fire ants and voodoo. We've got the fire ants here and I've got some serious spells - uh stuff too.

Adam said...

Drinking a liter of vodka is healthier than being dead

Old Lurker said...

Auntie Debra always has the best advice!

@Tundra Bunny: if Debra had been a prosecuting attorney she could just be drumming up business. Ten years seems like a pretty short sentence, but I think it depends on the jurisdiction. (Also, I guess you get to keep the money you stole after your sentence is up? Is that how laws work?)

Lady M said...

Some fine advice takeaways here. I have especially found the last one to be the truth.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- I think HRH slipped that one in when I wasn't looking. I would NEVER advise people to break the law.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Old Lurker -- I hope you recognize where the handle "Auntie Debra" came from, lol. And no, you can't keep the money you steal from a bank (or anyone else) unless you hide it so well that the police can't find it. Any stolen money or assets purchased with stolen money which can be found/traced will be seized.

Her Royal Highness said...

It's TRUE, I posted that meme. FUCK THE POLICE! If I could rob a bank, I WOULD and then I'd go live in COMFORT and LUXURY as QUEEN OF CATNIP ISLAND, as I so RICHLY DESERVE.

Mike said...

The last one is true and sad. And I always lift with my legs!

Tundra Bunny said...

@HRH -- Puhhleeease, we all know you couldn't plan your way out of a WET PAPER BAG, let alone a BANK heist. If brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow your ears off! Since you're SUPPOSED to be an OMNIPOTENT member of the spirit world, why haven't you buggered off to reside on the LUXURIOUS CATNIP ISLAND already? Could it be that you're just another IMPOTENT CAT who's burned off her 9 lives and has nothing better to do in LIMBO than be a pain in the ass?

Her Royal Highness said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- Sheesh, human, who PISSED in YOUR cornflakes this morning? I won't even DIGNIFY your TIRADE with a RESPONSE. Watch your step, Rabbit. I can always get Debra She Who Seeks to BLOCK YOU. I have her wrapped around MY LITTLE PAW.

Kay G. said...

I like the bank robbery advice. It's tough to get a house loan just now!
Guess what, I was looking through an old book and I found the Oilers bookmark that you mailed to me years ago. Don't you love finding something you thought you lost?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kay G -- Your comment made me smile! Go Oilers!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Life with your legs, not your back.
That’s what my parents taught me!

Boud said...

Another vote for the loan shark

Joanne Noragon said...

It has become Potato Juice to me -- forever.

Yvonne said...

A ton of fire ants... that sounds doable. Thanks for the advice, Auntie Debra. Love this post.

Fundy Blue said...

Love the advice, Debra! A ton of fire ants sounds good to me! Thanks for the laughs!

Bohemian said...

Voodoo and Fire Ants... it works for me. The Financial Advice of the Truck full of Money and the Bank had me ROTFLMAO.

Rosemary said...

I had no idea that Vodka was made from potatoes - I always thought that it was made from cereal wheat grains.

Rain said...

I'm definitely going to try out the pant leg idea lol! ☺☺

DVArtist said...

These are all good ones. Have a great day.

Kay G. said...

Busy Bee Suz said...

There were some knee-slappers in here, Debra! Thanks for the giggles

Martha said...

Words of wisdom! Auntie Debra knows things. We should listen to her. LOL

DB Stewart said...

That last true.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I hope your day is going good.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Liz Hinds said...

So tempted by the revenge thing! Particularly as my 'victim' loves ants. He he he!
And I'm definitely going to start tucking my trouser leg in.

Guillaume said...

All great advices.

Polly said...

ha,ha, love them, particularly the van full of money and the voodoo and ants.

yellowdoggranny said...

fire ants are evil...

This N That said... children ! Love the pants leg one..Probably very true!!

Ur-spo said...

Such sensible sage advice ! You should charge something, reasonable attorneys fees.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...


Laura Morrigan said...

I've seen enough movies to know if you steal the money the bad guys always come for you!

The Blog Fodder said...

Dont let your ice cream melt is the best advice ever

Rommy said...

I'm a fan of voodoo and fire ants!