Sunday 15 September 2024

Art Date with Rain -- "Mushrooms"

Here's my contribution for Thursday's upcoming art prompt at

I have to post it early because of reasons.

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Anyway, I did these mushrooms in pen and ink in 2023,
using the techniques of hatching and cross-hatching.

I've been saving up this drawing all year just for this prompt!

And here's another mushroom, but one
with a serious attitude problem, LOL!

This plushie was a gift from my sister!

[Art and photo of art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2023]


angela said...

Your very talented I love your work.
That is definitely a mushroom with attitude lol

Bob said...

Very cool shrooms ...

Tom said...

...what amazing talent you have!

Boud said...

I think your sister knows you!

Marie Smith said...

Great plushie! Love the drawing too.

baili said...

So beautifully done dear Debra, whatever you draw looks like master piece to me honestly
You are truly a very talented artist!
Gift by your sister is so Cute 😍

Val Ewing said...

Wow! I sure wish I could draw like that! It looks incredible.

Travel said...

I like the "stuffed" mushroom.

Liz Hinds said...

Now we all want to know what your reasons are!

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, Your drawing looks like a book illustration from the early 1900's. At first glance, I would have guessed it to be a woodcut.

Marcia LaRue said...

I love the Shitake! 🍄

Cleora Borealis said...

I am forever in awe of your artistic talent and your sense of humor...shared by your sister, obviously! 🎨😃

Ellen D. said...

Nice job on the mushroom art!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Another beautiful drawing and another indication that your sister is a joy.

Tasker Dunham said...

I would be very happy to have the pen and ink mushrooms framed and on my wall.

roentare said...

LOL The last meme is so funny

Tundra Bunny said...

Sooooo, the morel of your story is "don't give a shitake"?!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tundra Bunny -- Yes, that's the "morel" alright. GROAN!

Mike said...

I'm glad you remembered you had that drawing. I would not have.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your mushrooms! Also, the not-giving-a-shitake one! The patience you have with all the hatches/cross hatches is mind boggling.

e said...

Love your mushrooms. Love how the subject is escaping the confines of the rectangle. I understood cross-hatching but had never considered 'hatching'. That must be the many small straight lines together giving a shallower depth of shadow. Such an education you provide!

The Blog Fodder said...

A lovely sketch. And the plushroom is awesome

Janie Junebug said...

That's an excellent drawing--as usual.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ The Blog Fodder -- "Plushroom!" Love it, lol!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG love mushrooms!
And plushie? yes, please.
I'd love the mushrooms. Ink and pen is kinda my fav style.


Kirk said...

Love that drawing. Very whimsical looking 'shrooms.

Granny Annie said...

Have I missed seeing you participate on Thursday Rain's. Love this mushroom and I am ready with mine for this Thursday. Won't come close for the great mushroom you have done ...and I DO give a Shitake. LOL