Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Join the Million Meow March!

I'm late to the party because of
my blog break last month, but who cares!


Liz Hinds said...

I really hope everyone takes their cats to vote!

Mistress Maddie said...

Don't give me any ideas to show up at the polls dressed as Catwoman. I wouldn't be the first time cuz I do have the uniform and Boots. The JD Vance made me chuckle

Tom said...

...these are GREAT!

Boud said...

The wig snatch is the best of a great crop!

Bob said...

"The Blue Wave is coming and it's covered in cat hair!"
As an Honorary Cat Lady I love these!

Travel said...

Absolutely love this collection. Now to get everyone to show up and VOTE.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

too funny!

Marie Smith said...

Hilarious! Love these!

Jamie Ghione said...

Love these!

Kathy G said...

These are even better after the initial flurry had died down.

Pixie said...

Love it!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Hilarious and empowering, for all childless cat people!

Jennifer said...

Love them all! And childless dog ladies are standing back and standing by, too!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh we luvz berry wun ov those!!!!!! might steal a fa-yoo fur dee future elek-shun!

Damselfly said...


Marcia LaRue said...

The Blue Wave 🌊 is my favorite, however, they are all great!!

Cleora Borealis said...

😻 I do hope the angry woman screaming at sarcastic cat meme never disappears!! But, in this group, my heart belongs to Eartha Kitt driving her cat to the polls. She definitely had the sharpest claws as Catwoman! 🙀

Mike said...

It's going to be a cat-tastrophy for Vance.

This N That said...

Love this ...worth waiting for...Boxing up my cat litter!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

JD Vanc is a d*ck.
And he's got ISSUES with women. I blame his mama. And I didn't know that Hillbilly Elegy has a super low score. 24% if I'm not wrong??

Eff him and his reactionary ideas.


Guillaume said...

Yeah, J.D. Vance is a dick.

roentare said...

Your message is loud and clear. Haha

angela said...

I’m not sure I understand the reference not living in the USA. But I do like an idea of cat ladies taking control.

BootsandBraids said...

Love love love the do not send cat litter to JD one.

Joanne Noragon said...

I believe these will migrate to a lot of blogs!

Ur-spo said...

I hope they make the difference this November

Kirk said...

Ha! Forgot about that first Alien movie.

yellowdoggranny said...

we be rocks

LA Paylor said...

yes! the blue wave is coming I just hope our ballots won't be thrown out

e said...

Perfection, utter purrfection. We must defeat them in November!

Lady M said...

Hee hee - JD Vance should learn not to open his mouth.

Fundy Blue said...

I'm sitting in an airpot lounge trying to quietly roll on the floor and laugh my ass off. Hilarious, Debra!

The Blog Fodder said...

What an ignorant a$$h0le that man is. Perfect mate for the word salad weasel

The Blog Fodder said...

Freya is the Godess of of love, fertility, battle, and death. Her chariot was drawn by two cats. Vance needs a run in with her

Breenlantern said...

LOVE every one of these. They should all be Billboards plastered all over the red states!


Diana Studer said...

Childless cat lady here.