Monday 2 September 2024

Celebrate Labour Day With Some Class Warfare


Marie Smith said...

Happy Labour Day! Enjoy!

Tom said...

...have a fabulous day.

Bob said...

Record profits are unpaid wages!!!

baili said...

Record profits are unpaid wages, i agree
Good job i must say dear Debra

Boud said...

Appropriately enough! Labor Day arose from class warfare, after all. Happy Labor Day. Celebrate the dignity of work by doing no work.

roentare said...

These memes are very true.

Travel said...

Just thinking about the people I made rich over the years -

Ellen D. said...

I'm glad to be retired! ;)

Kathy G said...

The first one!

Mistress Maddie said...

Enjoy your Labor Day Debs. The dead wasp one had me in stitches. I'll have to try that one with people I don't like. I'll let you know how that goes.

Lady M said...

The leopard with the little gazelle is classic.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I don’t have a boss anymore, but I can still use that dead wasp trick!

Cleora Borealis said...

I, too, have worked for lying leopards! That's why unions are important! So you won't just be a fawn in the game of life!! 🤭✊

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- I salute your pun with a hearty GROAN!

e said...

Ugh, too true to be funny. I'd say eat the rich but I doubt they taste good, probably just give one terrible indigestion.
Even though I'm retired I still carry my union card in my wallet. Solidarity!

G. B. Miller said...

Happily retired from the world of the government, where all of this was magnified by a factor of 20.

Happy Laborious Day!

Bruce.desertrat said...

And the only reason we have 'Labor Day' in September was because Grover Cleveland was pre-empting the drive to declare May Day as the workers holiday in solidarity with the workers of the rest of the world.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Bruce.desertrat -- Yes and Canada followed right along with that "anti-Commie" change of date.

Ur-spo said...

These sort of memes frustrate me as they don't seem to have 'action' behind them viz. people doing something to better the imbalance.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Ur-spo -- Understanding and pointing out the truth of a situation is the first step. Without it, no further steps can be taken.

DB Stewart said...


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Memes? Maybe.
Lies? None detected.

Happy Labour Day!

XOXO said...

Yep. We're at the mercy of psychopaths.
But have a great, relaxing Labour Day regardless, SWS.

Mike said...

All of these are on point.

Bea said...

The ferry company that operates tours to Alcatraz underpays its workers. They were on strike for four days leading up to today, bizzaro Labor Day. I wonder what the visiting Europeans thought as they crossed the picket line to board the boats...?
Some of the workers were chanting, 'Refund!' and the like. I hope some folks took heed, but I get it if they didn't.

Kirk said...

Oh, love the one with the leopard and deer.

Joanne Noragon said...


Guillaume said...

I spent Labour Day travelling back home. Then trying to shake off the jet lag. Now I'm back in the pit of hell.

Liz Hinds said...

Ooh, that leopard deer one.

LA Paylor said...

the first one!! I heard a comedian say you're not maga til you send your diabetes med money to rump.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ LA Paylor -- OMG, that's funny and sad all at the same time because I bet there is a degree of truth in it.

Fundy Blue said...

Loved the dead wasp one! These are spot on, Debra. They make me angry at the same time though.