Wednesday 11 September 2024

Canada's Little-Known Imperial Ambitions

[All images courtesy of the internet]


Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, I was wondering why Taiwan was covered with tundra when I recently got back here.

Boud said...

Hilarious! The Milky Eh!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

the milky eh!!! hahaha!

Travel said...

Spreading politeness and national health insurance to the world.

Bob said...

I'm for it, eh?

Tom said... maternal grandmother was born in Ontario and as a child I visited relatives around Toronto. Canada was always viewed as a nextdoor neighbor that was a bit different in a good way.

Marcia LaRue said...

My goodness, I have always wanted to visit Canada and now I see I am already there in South Canada! Why the hell did you allow the Orange Lump in? LOL

Kay G. said...

Have I told you my experience of being on a plane once and was seated by an extremely polite young man? It was strange, it was as if he had come from the past and was surrounded by all the rough, rude people around him. He told me he was meeting up with a childhood friend in Orlando who had "discovered" him by chance, on the internet. Later, he said he needed to pass by, to get "out" of the row of seats. When he said that one word "OUT", I knew it then, he was Canadian! When he returned and we spoke further, he confirmed it. Canadian he was and still is and always will be! We need more Canadians! Like we need more Debras!

Cleora Borealis said...

I'm a proud South Canadian! And ya know, it's all aboot the pride! 😘

Contrary Guy said...

Would be all for it. (Ancestors from Montreal and son played hockey for 10 years throughout portions of Ontario)

Leanna said...

OMG! These were so good. Gave me the happy laugh I needed this morning. Thanks sweetie.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kay G. and @ Cleora Borealis -- Yes, we Canucks are oot and aboot, eh?

The Happy Whisk said...

The south south cracked me up.

Kirk said...

At this point, I'd welcome a Canadian invasion, especially if it means better health insurance.

Mike said...

Free healthcare for the whole universe, right?

Lady M said...

I had no idea Canada had such delusions of world domination.

DB Stewart said...

Milky, eh. Lol.

DB Stewart said...


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I wanna go to Canada! The closest I've been is to Canada a Bit to the Left. I've FLOWN over it, though...


angela said...

Lofty ambitions lol

Jeanie said...

I love Canada, my neighbor to the north. Even looked into leaving the US for there. People are just nicer!

Marie Smith said...

Thanks for the laugh! Brightened the day!

Janie Junebug said...

O, Canada, my home and native land, please take over the U.S. and banish the orange man. Eh? Eh.


Joanne Noragon said...


Busy Bee Suz said...

HAHAH! And here I thought the world needed more Florida. I think you're right, we need more Canada. :)

Tundra Bunny said...

Fortunately, Canadian delusions of imperialist grandeur last only as long as a two-four of beer!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Love it

Rostrose said...

Dear Debra, what can I say - I wouldn't mind. Our next planned travel destination is Canada (but that's still about a year away), and that would be a lot closer...
All the best, Traude

Bea said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Rostrose -- It's exciting that you are planning to visit Canada! We're a big country with lots and lots to see!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Milky Eh. Wonderful!
I’ve often wondered what life would have been like had the USA been South Canada.

This N That said...

It's like I'm a bit behind. Loved the south south and the down under

Anonymous said...

Why are all these people laughing, do they think it's a joke?
Don't they realize this is a plan to conquer the world?
Certainly would be for the better, but might be a little inconvenience in the transition.