Deep, deep, deep into the heart of the winter.
Deep, deep, deep into the womb of the Mother.
Deep, deep, deep where there is no other
Song but the song of my soul!
--Anne Hill
As we mark the year's shortest day and longest night, enjoy both the Light that will return with greater daily strength and the Dark that nourishes us with introspection, rest and rejuvenation.
Night of long darkness.
Candles burn. Songs call the light:
"Return, touch our hearts."
--Antonia Matthew
Solstice Blessings to you all!
Solstice greetings to you, my friend. May your day be filled with joy and peace.
Solstice Blessings to you and yours! ♥
I forgot that it is the first day of winter.
I can't believe you only got one right, off you go to christmas movie school.
Thank you for the solstice blessings! Have a beautiful day!
~wishing brightest blessings this winter solstice day...love the picture..wishing for a bit of snow to come our way!~
Blessings to you on this day of change and the forthcoming light!
Brightest Blessings unto you this Solsticetide Season!!
It will only get brighter from now on! My Honeybun is on a nine hour drive tonight to reach me for the celebrations.
Solstice blessings to you!
The shortest day of the year reminds me of the brevity of life. As soon as the sun comes up, you gotta grasp it, before it gets away from you.
Yule blessings to you! Much health and happiness!
Goddess bless
Happy Solstice to you as well, fellow Albertan. Blessings during this holiday season!!!
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