Monday 23 September 2024

Everyone Loves Lawyers . . . Don't They?


Tom said...

...thanks for the chuckles.

Parnassus said...

Hello Debra, These are definitely in the laugh-with-not-at category. I often notice that people complain about lawyers until they need one, when suddenly the lawyers become appreciated. At my father's funeral, those crying the hardest were his old clients--perhaps he had gotten them out of jail, or perhaps he was their only friend during an acrimonious divorce or bankruptcy.

Marie Smith said...

The names are priceless. Great chuckles this morning, Debra. Thank you!

Mistress Maddie said...

The cat one reminds me of a meme I once saw, with three shifty looking men in suits with comb overs, and below it is read, The Law Firm of Dewey, Sueim and Howe. LMAO!!!!!

Travel said...

A good collection, we need to be able to laugh at ourselves.

Bob said...

That face on the four-day-old partner will stick with me all day!