Sunday 29 September 2024

It Makes the World Go 'Round


Tom said...

...Debra, there's a lot of truth here!

Marie Smith said...

Love that last one! The look is purr…fect!

Bob said...

So good!
I love the dig at the Joneses and that last one!

Travel said...

I have one thing Bill Gates will never have, enough.

Boud said...

Money can't buy happiness, but it definitely helps with rent and food!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Money isn't everything, but it does make daily life easier!
I had a giggle at the $9.11 bank statement.

Marcia LaRue said...

I get the distinct impression that you might need a quick loan or, you may be needing to put on those "hooker" shoes and find a street corner ... oh, my! Perhaps a Go Fund Me page will help!
Money worries are no fun!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Marcia LaRue -- Worry not, my friend. I'm just being a poseur. All is well here. HRH brings in all the cash I need, although I'm careful not to look TOO closely at how she does it.