Hello Debra, I have seen Worcestershire sauce sold here, but always in imported, recognizable bottles. I just looked up the Chinese equivalent and they transliterate it as something like Woo Si Te--but I doubt that any local person would have any idea of what this is if you asked for it. --Jim
Funny, I do know how to pronounce the word (as long as I'm not reading it). I, however, choose to pronounce it the way my grandmother did when telling me a long-forgotten joke back when I was a little kid. I remember the warmth and love in her voice. To this day I prefer to call it "What's this here sauce".
🤣 My Grammy was also that kind of silly and said "what's this here sauce?" We kids had a follow up, though. We would chuckle and tell Grammy to "try saying THAT three times fast!" She would get tongue-tied of course with "whaztuhsusuch" and we would shout (really fast) "no, that that that!" And we would laugh because we caught her again! It was years later when I remembered she would be smirking as she turned away. She was letting us "win." Every single time. 😁 Grandmothers, amirite? 🥰
Thoroughly enjoyed the memes and have bottled up many a guffaw hearing folks try to pronounce it. We go with 'wusta shure' but only from trying many other versions. Thanks for the laughs!
You'd think Worcestershire was coined by a tipsy leprechaun...as the spelling and pronunciation don't quite go together, which an Irishman enjoying a tipple or ten, would find hilarious for the English to attempt ....
Geeze, I've been living under a rock. I thought it was spelled with an "h" and pronounced "Wor-cHes-ter" sauce. Help me, SWS. Help me. And thank you for teaching me something new with my every visit.
I don't know if you're right or wrong but you are funny. I love that across the world, many of share this impossible word. That and I often hear peeeeeecon and peeeeeeecan.
You nailed it! And yet Dorchester isn't pronounced dustah. That's just wrong.
Yes you have explained it perfectly
LOL!!!! I had no idea till now this was a world crumbling issue. Its a sad commentary!!
I believe you've got it. Now I can say it. Thanks.
I think she’s got it. Tough one though!
...and I've never thought about this.
I used to pronounce it as "Warchestershyer Sauce" until I watched a British cooking show and learned the correct way!
Are you having a stroke, sir?
I have always pronounced Wooster-sheer sauce. I think you and I are on the same page.
I still can't say that and other weird words...medications are just as bad! LOL!
I was pronouncing it correctly until I finished reading through all the memes. Then I was completely tongue tied.
It was the worst of them.
Hello Debra, I have seen Worcestershire sauce sold here, but always in imported, recognizable bottles. I just looked up the Chinese equivalent and they transliterate it as something like Woo Si Te--but I doubt that any local person would have any idea of what this is if you asked for it.
This was a hard post to wrap my brain around first thing on a Monday morning :-)
Worse-ta-shur. It may not be correct Brit, but it's how we pronounce it. LOL.
Funny, I do know how to pronounce the word (as long as I'm not reading it). I, however, choose to pronounce it the way my grandmother did when telling me a long-forgotten joke back when I was a little kid. I remember the warmth and love in her voice. To this day I prefer to call it "What's this here sauce".
LOL! And don’t forget Whatsthishere Sauce.
And there it is! I just posted my comment and THEN read Deedles’.
🤣 My Grammy was also that kind of silly and said "what's this here sauce?" We kids had a follow up, though. We would chuckle and tell Grammy to "try saying THAT three times fast!" She would get tongue-tied of course with "whaztuhsusuch" and we would shout (really fast) "no, that that that!" And we would laugh because we caught her again! It was years later when I remembered she would be smirking as she turned away. She was letting us "win." Every single time. 😁 Grandmothers, amirite? 🥰
Wor Chester Shire or WCS - Don't ruin a good steak by covering it with WCS
the Ol'Buzzard
Thoroughly enjoyed the memes and have bottled up many a guffaw hearing folks try to pronounce it. We go with 'wusta shure' but only from trying many other versions.
Thanks for the laughs!
I pronounce it A1 sauce.
I know how to pronounce it, but I prefer to say west chester sauce.
It's my life. I can say it any way I want!
Living in Southern New England we often pass through Worcester, MA. Here, it's pronounced "Woo-stah". So "Woosta-shah" sauce is quite adjacent.
round these parts we just call it wusstah sauce...... but i am sure Yorkshire Pudding will tell you...... up north we prefer Hendo's!!
I just read these out loud and we both laughed maniacally!
Just say Lea & Perrins sauce and everyone will know. By the way it sounds more like Wustershire rather than Woostershire.
Wasn’t that the 3 Stooges?
I lost all train of thought with the Dominatrix.
You made my day with these memes
That's how we were taught to say it.
You'd think Worcestershire was coined by a tipsy leprechaun...as the spelling and pronunciation don't quite go together, which an Irishman enjoying a tipple or ten, would find hilarious for the English to attempt ....
Safe word, lol.
Geeze, I've been living under a rock. I thought it was spelled with an "h" and pronounced "Wor-cHes-ter" sauce. Help me, SWS. Help me. And thank you for teaching me something new with my every visit.
The memes are funny, and yes, I believe you nailed it!
I don't know if you're right or wrong but you are funny. I love that across the world, many of share this impossible word. That and I often hear peeeeeecon and peeeeeeecan.
I just call it worcester sauce. But love the worst of/best of shires.
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