Sunday, 9 March 2025

Forsooth, Bringeth Me Mine Cat


Iris Flavia said...

This was fun :-)

Boud said...

The catapult is my favorite here, from a great selection.

Tom said...

...great job, cat lady!

Bob said...

So good, and now I know I have what's called OCD!!!

Travel said...

There have been times when chainmail would have been a comfort.

Marie Smith said...

The kitty in the helmet…priceless!

Kathy G said...

A great collection!

Jamie Ghione said...

Fun ones!

Cleora Borealis said...

🙀 OMG! I have OCD!! If Hubby wasn't here to be my therapist, 100 cats would be!!

bruce.desertrat said...

Wise cat owners always don their Personal Safety Gear PRIOR to putting the cat in the carrier for the trip to the vet.