Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Cat People, Amirite?


Mistress Maddie said...

The cat reading the paper and the fake lap!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!! You know the cat is just appeasing its owners hard work and creativity to assemble fake legs. I mean the cat must know right, aren't cats supposed to be smart?

Marie Smith said...

Priceless…all. Great start to the day, Debra.

Moving with Mitchell said...

My faves are the lap and the cat newspaper. My nephew wasn’t a cat person when he met his wife. They now have 8, down from 13.

Tom said...

...how do you find this stuff?

Boud said...

The multiple cat picture -- with the picture of the mother holding up her baby! These are too funny. But I've literally done the check deposit one. Also used CK Duncan as a background for small artworks..

Granny Annie said...

I have 13 chickens, 2 dogs and one cat. In 2013 I had 14 cats. Predators on the farm have destroyed the missing cats. I treasure the one remaining.

Anonymous said...

These are all great. My cat and I will have a chat later to determine my sanity. I’ll let you know! Jayne

Travel said...

Cats have humans well trained.

Bob said...

The I 🤍 U bracelets are the best!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tom -- I waste a lot of time surfing the 'net!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The husband using the cat as a background.
I lost it right there and then.


whkattk said...

Hellpanthers that poop in a box and yell.... 🤣 That fake laopis genius.

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the genuine laughs this morning.

Rade said...

Using the cat as a black backdrop for mobile check deposits... BRILLIANT!!!

Yvonne said...

This is pretty cute, especially the fake lap for the calico.

Anonymous said...

Codex: *smile* I was a dog person until we ended up with cats. I knew something was wrong when my friend's Labrador joined us on the couch and didn't tuck in his paws.

Pixie said...

The hellpanthers and the cat newspaper made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.

sandy said...

Fun post! Love that great cat art in the first photo. I came here from Baili's site.

Tundra Bunny said...

The cat's newspaper and matching Swiftie bracelets made me LOL!

ArcticFox said...

5000 years ago, cats were worshipped as gods..... cats have never forgotten this!

angela said...

I find it hilarious when ,usually a man, says I don’t like cats.
Then the wife brings a cat home. They definitely then become a cat person
And the cat has them in thralled

Leanna said...

HAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAA, charging my cat's fish.

Liam Ryan said...

Haha. I liked the one of the cat reading the paper on the loo!! :)

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG on the fake cat lap.

roentare said...

This is obsession on another level

Kirk said...

Neither that man nor his cat seem all that excited about their birthdays.

Joanne Noragon said...

Every one is spot on. My cat once had that fish toy.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Ha-ha! Love the fake lap!

Janie Junebug said...

All cats should have their own newspapers to read while in the litter box.


Liz Hinds said...

The fake lap! The things we all do for our animals. So true. And charging the cat's fish!

The Blog Fodder said...

Using the cat as a black background is simply genius. And the cat newspaper. Love all these. Miss my three cats so much