Halloween is not all fun and games.
It has a serious spiritual basis.
The pagan celebration of Samhain ("Summer's End")
begins at sunset tonight.
The Wheel of the Year has turned once more and
it is now time to honour the Crone Goddess.

In Celtic spirituality, the Raven is
a sacred familiar of the Crone Goddess,
aiding her in the tasks of preparing
for the grave and renewal.
The Raven is a shamanic creature.
It easily flies back and forth between the worlds,
bearing messages and omens.
The Raven's association with death
extends especially to death in battle.
The Raven often accompanies the Celtic
War Goddess known as The Morrigan.
The Raven remains a powerful symbol from ancient times . . .
. . . right up to today's modern world.
The Raven reminds us all to
remember and honour
the passage of time.
the passage of time.