Thursday, 6 March 2025

And Now, a Message from the King of Canada

The Canadian head of state is Charles III, the current British monarch who is also King of Canada. It's one of our last remaining colonial ties to Britain. There has been much grumbling in Canada that the King has not spoken out about Trump's lies, threats and aggression against our economy and sovereignty.

Blogging buddy Liz Hinds from Wales asked in a comment on my Tuesday post --

How do you feel, Debra, about the UK's
lack of comment? Or indeed the King's?

I responded as follows--

I'm not one of those complaining about King Charles' silence
because I understand that a constitutional monarch speaks only
as directed by his government. The silence of the UK government
does show a lack of courage but, in a situation where a bully is
playing hardball, allies often melt silently away so as not to draw the
bully's attention to themselves. I understand it but am still annoyed by it.

But it seems King Charles has now indeed "spoken out" to send the USA a message in a manner that is uniquely longstanding to the British royal family -- by the use of symbolic clothing and/or jewelry. On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in London and had a private meeting with the King. On Tuesday, the day American tariffs were imposed on Canada, this happened and I quote --

Yesterday [Tuesday] King Charles was inspecting a British ship.

And YET he did so dressed as King of Canada
wearing Canadian military decorations and Canadian honours, 
[including the] Order of Canada and Canadian Order of Military Merit.

Charles is sending us and the world a message, a LOUD message.

So there we have it!


baili said...

Hope bully is smart enough to get the message

baili said...

Much love and hugs dear Debra 😍

Anonymous said...

I read your comment when you originally posted it. I believe the UK is remaining silent as they are attempting to get the loonies back on side. Unlike some, they understand the meaning of diplomacy. I remember before and just after the election, his supporters leaving comments on blogs, accusing people who did not support him of being communists and Facists, if the situation wasn’t so dire and sad, I think I would be laughing now.

Anonymous said...

Too subtle.
I would prefer a clear and concise statement from the government, as well as the Crown.
Canadians have answered the call when the British were under threat. Now it’s their turn.

Bob said...

Just like I demand Democrats start speaking up against this fascist--and not just the women who are doing, as usual, most of the heavy lifting--I expect other countries to speak out against The Felon, too.

Tom said...

...this will come as a complete surprise to Trumpy Dumpy!!!

Lady M said...

Trump won't get it - he is too thick.

Marie Smith said...

Nice clear message!

Kathy G said...

What a great photo! I wanted to share it on my social media but can't find it online.

Rade said...

I do not think this registered on SCROTUS in any way. He does not understand military decorations or have a concept of what honours are. Nor does he have the aptitude to shut his cranial anus long enough to listen and learn.

Ellen D. said...

I don't think our president will ever figure out that outfit but maybe someone can explain it to him.

Pixie said...

Too subtle for trump. trump is not know for subtley or intelligence.

whkattk said...

The UK Prime Minister has been doing the talking --- though it would be nice to hear the Royals back that up. I hope they are all meeting with the EU leaders to ensure a coalition to stand against The Felon and his MAGA cabal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this, I missed it. It may be subtle but people like you are getting a conversation going. Jayne

Travel said...

I hope someone explains this to HWSNBN.

Kirk said...

Oh, I already read a headline that said: "Europeans Frantically Rearming Amidst Concerns Over Trump, Putin." The world is becoming a more dangerous place, and it's not the fault of the Europeans,

Breenlantern said...

In America, Democrats held up little signs and wore a T-Shirt. Who the fu** are we to judge others for not doing things we're too cowardly and spineless to do ourselves? It's like America is just sitting around waiting for someone else to solve the problem we caused. Even if we manage to somehow turn this around, will we ever recover fully from the damage or be trusted again y our international (used top be) Allies? I highly doubt it.


Cleora Borealis said...

🇨🇦🇺🇲 I am often reminded of how glad I am that I don't have to worry about what a monarch thinks or does. (Yah, I know Sphincter Face thinks he's the king and MAGA treats him like king of the US and the bible and the universe 🤢). But, for now, I am free of the monarchy!! Yeehaw!! 🤠✊️

Mary Kirkland said...

I hadn't seen this picture so thanks for sharing it.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

You think the MAGAts have enough brain power to understand the specific details of higher thinking???? That Jabba the Orange understands Royalty?? LOL

Oh, I love that.


e said...

His mother was a master at the unspoken comment. I realize that he is unable to voice an opinion about this due to the structure of a constitutional monarchy, so any subtle comments have to carry the weight.

Tundra Bunny said...

Clear to most Canadians, but it will leave skid marks on the heads of Hair Furor and his toadies.

This N That said...

Bully got the message but listens to no one...Everybody just succumbs to his wishes...afraid to lose their positions, careers, jobs, etc...worried about being reelected..They don't care about us..Our congress is just as bad..Nobody is doing anything..Citizens are demonstrating..Most of us are unhappy..His approval rating is the lowest ever in the first 100 days of a president but I think we are stuck for 4 years..He just doesn't care...It's all about money and power at all costs..

ArcticFox said...

i would never have known this - pretty interesting observation..... i hope we can all be friends?