Sunday, 2 March 2025

And Now, Some Good People Doing Good Things


Marie Smith said...

The Buddhist has the right idea!

Moving with Mitchell said...

These gave me a shiver. Wonderful and timely.

Rade said...

These are beautiful! Thank you!

Bob said...

What a wonderful post.
Loved them all, though the Buddhist one hit home.
PS Elvira also sold her Tesla and gave the money to NPR but only AFTER she wrote Elon Sux on the side of the car!

Tom said... like Sheryl Crow!!!

Travel said...

Kindness is contagious.

Boud said...

Thanks for a lovely post reminding us that there's good in the world, and that there are good people.

How do we know said...

My son said - In college, I will be free. I replied: With independence comes laundry. Love the Buddhist life lesson. And the cat and the butterfly :)

Pixie said...

Thank you.

whkattk said...

These are great. Especially the cat and the Monarch butterfly. Melts the heart.... 😘

Cleora Borealis said...

🐈🐇 And the kitties and bunnies shall lead us!

Frank said...

Sometimes we don’t feel as though we make a difference in the scheme of things. We need to keep a Buddhist perspective.

Mike said...

When the blood I donated gets used, I get an email telling me the city it went to.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

love dee sheryl crow wun!!! not happy wif scary underwear!

Ol'Buzzard said...

In Lisbon Portugal people put out food for cats living on the street.
I love Portugal. If we were younger....
the Ol'Buzzard

Damselfly said...

These are wonderful!

Bea said...

The dude who co-created The Simpsons has done a wonderful thing. x
Thanks for this post, Debra.

Bea said...


DVArtist said...

Great post. The blood donations in Sweden. What a great idea.

Mary Kirkland said...

Oh I love these.

ArcticFox said...

a list of good things - how refreshing

Kay G. said...

Thanks. I truly needed that.

DB Stewart said...

Loved this. Needed this. Shared this. Thank you.

Tundra Bunny said...

Thanks for reminding us that there are still good people doing good things in the world. Cats and bunnies give great advice too!

Kathy G said...

Thank you.

Joanne Noragon said...

Thank you.

Beverley said...

Kindness and compassion don't cost you a thing, but may we'll be the greatest gift to someone who really needs to feel like they matter.
And we all matter.

whkattk said...

Cats and bunnies.... Ain't it the truth!!!

Rostrose said...

That's a heartwarming and wise post, dear Debra!
All the best and a lovely March, Traude

e said...

Thank you, Debra. Even a small light in the darkness is helpful...