Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Elbows Up, Canada!

Thanks to Mike Myers for sending that "secret signal"
to his fellow Canadians via SNL last weekend!

And thanks to Gordie Howe, "Mr Elbows,"
for teaching generations of us how to do 
what has become our Canadian ninja move --

The Elbow is even immortalized by Gordie Howe's statue
in his hometown of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan --

The tariff trade war with the Trump administration
will be a long and dirty fight, but we're ready!

Gordie taught us how!
(or should that be "howe"?)


Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

... and today is Ash Wednesday.

Tom said...

...yep, elbows up, eh!

Anonymous said...

The last one says it all!! Thanks for these. Jayne from Ontario

Moving with Mitchell said...

That’s a great statue of Howe... and how! My elbows are up in solidarity.

Marie Smith said...

Love that Howe statue! Elbows up!

sirkkis said...

Thanks Cordie for advising...BOW 😖

Bob said...

Love that last one, and love the elbow to The Felon's Melon.

Liz Hinds said...

Sounds like a useful action to remember.

Travel said...

I my, I voted against HWSNBN, every time I could.

whkattk said...

Keep those elbows up and batter those Red States.
Happy Ash Wednesday!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, elbows up. Gigi

Ellen D. said...

Oh, Canada, please save us!

Barbara said...

I'm praying hard Canada wins this one.

Sandy said...

The Felon in our Whitehouse is an embarrassment to many of us. I wish someone would duct tape his mouth...or better yet sew it shut. He's such a jerk, a liar, and so many more things...none of which are good. I've followed hocky a long time but had never heard of the elbows up. I think that would make a fun trivia question. Thanks for posting the history and explaining it. Was he the player that said, don't get mad, get even?

Kathy G said...

Start doing your arm exercises so your elbows are strong and extra-pokey.

BootsandBraids said...

Elbows all the way up 45/47's arse.

Parnassus said...

Hi Debra, Is "Elbows Up, Canada" anything like "Knees Up, Mother Brown"?

Gidget Blue Sky said...

your boss was awesum at his presser yesterday!!!

ArcticFox said...

i'd never heard this phrase but i like it - thanks for enlightening us :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Sandy -- I don't know whether it was Gordie Howe who said "don't get mad, get even" but it was certainly his philosophy, LOL!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Parnassus (Jim) -- Not really, but both are fun in appropriate circumstanes!

Kirk said...

Yes, elbows up. Your country may just end up being the next leader of the free world. We seem to be in the process of forfeiting the title.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh Mike Myers wasn't subtle. We Americans cheered when we saw it. God I'm so sorry. Sorry for us all said...

Perfectly executed by Mr. Myers. I shall keep my elbows up all day on behalf of our Canadian neighbors.

Mike said...

I could NOT figure out who was playing Musk on SNL until the end of the show.

Mistress Maddie said...

I have a feeling your elbows are going to be getting quite a workout from all the Riff Raff down here.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Haha Mayers let Leon HAVE it.
The impersonation was perfect. And that t-shirt (and the elbow!) were *chef's kiss*.


Val Ewing said...

Today I am so proud of Canada and of course Mexico. NOT proud of the Orange sprayed Turd.

B-Kat said...

As a hockey mom for a hundred years, I love it. It isn't starting a fight, it's being strong and tough in the corners, and if they try to come after you - you make them regret it.
When I saw him give the elbows up at the end of SNL it tugged on my heart. We're ready. "Skoden" (prairie hockey slang from Indigenous players).

Frank said...

We're all going to need plenty of padding as well! It's going to get bumpy.

roentare said...

These memes make a good movement

Lady M said...

Stand your ground O'Canada.

Joanne Noragon said...

Over the boards and elbows up. We're learning.

Janie Junebug said...

I wish we could elbow orange butt face and musk out of the oval office -- elbow them so hard they're never seen again. They are destroying our relationship with our best friends to the North and they're hellbent on ruining our economy. It will be much worse than it was under President Biden.


Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Go for it, Canada. As I described in one of my earlier post, Denmark has begun marking EU goods with small blak stars.

The Ash Wednesday remark was posted in a hurry, running out of the door - I forgot the time-zone difference, giving you many more hours posting about it - You're 8 (I think) hours behind me ;)
Just know that I think that when you wish our Muslim brothers Ramadan Moubarak, it's fair also to wish the Catholics a fruitful lent.
Sorry for my brevity, bordering on rudeness yesterday. And sorry if this sounds a bit miffed as well - I am not a native speaker and the border between flippant, clear and concise, and rude can be tough on us poor foreigners ;)