Monday, 17 March 2025

First Thing Every Day


angela said...

Coffee. Brew of the gods

roentare said...

Coffee has its own charm for sure

Granny Annie said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha...All are me. The Dave Barry one was the best.

Boud said...

Hot coffee on the snowy bench, yes. But I could dispense with the snow, come to think of it.

Marie Smith said...

Love that first scene as I enjoy my first cup this morning!

Tom said...

...not part of my life.

Travel said...

Something to fuel my personality.

Val Ewing said...

I went to decafe and still enjoy my coffee in the morning. No jolt, but I sure still need that coffee!

Moving with Mitchell said...

That used to be me before work in the last photo, although I was never that cute.

Bob said...

I do love the Prescription Cup and that last cat one.
My go-to cup says Shuh Duh Fuh Cup. It helps on many mornings!

Frank said...

I remember when...back in college (after hours of studying:) we would go to Dunkin' Donuts at 10pm and for, I think it was 35cents, get a coffee in an actual cup and a donut at the counter with free refills on the coffee! Those were the days.

Kathy G said...

Coffee...the socially acceptable addiction.

gz said...


baili said...

So true haha 😃🥰
The last one had me lol true for many ,not coffee but my father would get cranky if didn’t get his tea on time.
Latte is okay for me but black tea omg I have to learn having coffee with milk,tried once and believe few sips and I spent my night awake 😂

Ellen D. said...

I've never been a coffee drinker.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yes, please. Coffee is not a recreational hobby---it is necessary!

whkattk said...

Absolutely. I have a single-cup brewer because I can't wait for an entire pot to brew. Plus, every cup is fresh off the grind. Happy St Patty's Day!

Rade said...

Any and all of it!!! Hence the name of the blog... These are marvelous!

Kirk said...

Never drink it. I sometimes have tea but usually get caffeine rush from Pepsi.

ArcticFox said...

i have .... for all my life ...... had a high tolerance for caffeine (to the extent that i can't really say that it affected me very much, ever)..... in fact a high tolerance for everything except BS..... anyhoo.... lately i have suffered slightly with too much caffeine and i've had to cut down a little bit....... this is worrying cos i love coffee!!!

Rosemary said...

I really love my mug of coffee in the morning. However, when I have been out all day there is nothing like coming home to a cup of freshly brewed tea.

Mistress Maddie said...

I pity the poor sucker who stands between me and my coffee in the morning. At least the first three cups!

Cleora Borealis said...

☕️ I'm very fond of mocha lattes, but I no longer do morning coffee...too slow! I take pain medication every morning and I can't drink coffee fast enough to overcome grogginess of the meds.
So, two 200 MG "Jet Alert" caffeine tablets for me. Later in the day, 4-shot mochas don't hurt me at all. I love perking up 😳🤪 and when I'm coming off the high, to bed and total sleep!
I consider myself a bit of a skilled chemist! 😉

Mike said...

YUUUKKKKK. I've never been able to stand coffee. I don't even like the smell. I'll get a piece of candy that is coffee flavored (didn't realize) and I spit it out!
Now if I could talk to electricity, I might reconsider.

e said...

These are all funny... and true! I had to give up coffee but the smell of it is still delicious.

Guillaume said...

I hate coffee. Except maybe, big maybe, Irish coffee. I had one once I enjoyed it, it was at uni, the barman who did it was the only competent professional barman the university ever hired and he made one hell of an Irish coffee.

Tundra Bunny said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! The stages of coffee addiction almost caused a spit-take...

How do we know said...

Each of these. But most of all, the coffee holder with a straw please!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Snorting beans?? LOL
And I'm one of those people who does not really like coffee. I like a café au lait and a macchiato here and there, but that's about it...


Fundy Blue said...

Thank you for Grumpy Cat, Debra! And for all the other funnies. Drinking coffee is pretty much the first thing I do every morning, and usually the smell of it dripping into our coffee pot is what wakes me. Thank heavens for Terry who makes it almost every morning. I haven' snorted coffee beans, but I have a fondness for chocolate covered coffee beans ~ 😂 Have a great day!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nothing like nice cup of coffee.

Janie Junebug said...

Coffee -- one addiction I don't have. Princess wishes Auntie Rebekah would move in with us again so she could enjoy Auntie's morning coffee.


Joanne Noragon said...


Ur-spo said...

Hey! I recognize that good morning meme. I charge reasonable attorneys fees too you know.

Sue Bursztynski said...

I love coffee, but gave it up, except the odd iced coffee, to help me sleep.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Ur-spo -- Attorneys fees? Are you practising law without a licence now? Oh dear.

The Happy Whisk said...

Bug got her first pup cup last week when we swung through the SB drive-thru. I loved the straw in the coffee pot.

Lady M said...

Coffee is delicious and is full of antioxidants.