Saturday, 15 March 2025

Happy Ides of March -- Celebrate Responsibly!

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I made a postcard out of the following meme
and mailed it to Trump with the message
"He Has Replaced You!"


Tom said...

...good for you!

Marie Smith said...

Love that last one!

Tundra Bunny said...

I made a postcard out of a worthless 1909 Russian banknote since Trump likely prefers to be paid in Russian currency and mailed it to him with the message "You're Fired!"

roentare said...

Your posts carried affirmative voice on where we stand

Bob said...

Love your postcard!!!

Rade said...

I LOVE THESE!!!! Fantastic!!!

Val Ewing said...

Oh that would be an excellent card to send to the Whitehouse.

Vix said...

We're on the same wavelength, when I looked at the calendar this morning I warned the cat to "Beware the Ides of March"!
The quote about stabbing whoever messed with the calendar made me laugh out loud.
I bet the orange man baby was weeping into his fake tan when he received that postcard! x

Leanna said...

I love the fact that you mailed that meme. I'm thinking of starting up my anti TЯ☭mp meme roll like Jackiesue used to do. I miss her so much.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Leanna -- Yes, do it! DO IT FOR JACKIESUE!

Cleora Borealis said...

🗡⚔️ I "beware the ides of March." But, I also beware the ides of April and May and June and...! OMG! The ides of July come along and I always give July Caesar his proper due! ✊️🫡 Then, it's back to mild apprehension of ides. 🥴

Frank said...

You are so creative (postcard). I mailed 19 cards, all of which were left from travels and unused. And I happened to have about 24 USPS stamps that say Postcards”. Something makes me think that the Felonious Liar will never see them.

Damselfly said...

Fabulous postcard!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Frank -- Yes, he won't see them but that's not the point -- WE KNOW we sent them!

Kathy G said...

The first one is a nice mashup of Pi Day and the Ides of March.

Deedles said...

I'd probably beware the Ides of March too, if I knew what an Ides is, or cared for that matter.

How do we know said...

For some reason, today, I loved the cake and the "Knife Day we are having today..." :)

Sandy said...

The cake is fun, and I so agree with President Zalensky being the leader of the free world. It certainly isn't Our current US Convicted Felon.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Great postcard. I wonder if we’ll hear anything from Drumpf about all his mail. The gold coin is shocking. Wow. And now those shower thoughts are going to sit in brain and fester. Desperately miming shut up.

ArcticFox said...

i was trying to come up with some "ides" puns.... but things like "slides of larch" or "hides of marge" are just so lame..... then i imagined Brutus and Julius playing Battleships.... and julius says "A2 brute".... and then i just gave up thinking about it - yours are all betterer.......

John Going Gently said...

I adore that cake

Mistress Maddie said...

Screw the post, your addition of a postcard stole the whole post!!!!

I myself thought of sending him a cake with knives in it, but thought I might get arrested.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Arctic Fox -- "A2 Brute" made me laugh!

Mike said...

I hadn't heard about the postcard barrage. Oh well, next year... or maybe not!

BootsandBraids said...

Great idea that postcard.

Janie Junebug said...

Great postcard! Well done, Debra. I love all the memes, too, especially the pizza box.


Danielle said...

The cake is perfect!

Kirk said...

I agree about the months. I wonder if it's too late to rename them.

angela said...

I would definitely like to be a fly on the wall when he saw that card from you. Well done

e said...

LOVE your Ides of Rump postcard!

Guillaume said...

Beware the Ides of March.

Fundy Blue said...

These are great, but I love the last one!