Tuesday, 11 March 2025

How About Some Medical Humour?


Val Ewing said...

All of these are great. The plants one sound like my husband when he would end up in the ER...except it was his farm animals... LOL!

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG. That text one and then the disease named after them. That was good. I loved the pens for the nurses. A good friend of mine is a nurse. She'd love those pens. Happy New week and boogie boogie.

Marie Smith said...

Love the first one especially!

Boud said...

These are all good and the doctors cvfging each other is great!

angela said...

Having worked in a pharmacy in my youth, the texting looks spot on

Bob said...

Sick little sammich!

Frank said...

I’m not finding a whole lot of humor in the medical profession of late. I’ll have to try harder.

Pixie said...

Love these. My favorite is Dr. Lewis:)

Tom said...

...Debra, thanks for the chuckles!

Travel said...

My doc finally went to electronic prescribing, the pharmacy will be able to read her message for a change. I saw her last week, she thinks I am still alive.

whkattk said...

Purramedic - Adorable!
Drs texting. LOL. Before electronic everything, how did pharmacists ever manage to get prescriptions correct?

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, Nurses are the best. They put up with so much malarkey!!
And the one about having a disease named after oneself? Priceless.


Kokopelli said...

*LOL* for the plant one!

Leanna said...

OMG!! These are so funny. I showed my doctor the meme with doctors texting. He said very close to the real thing.

Cleora Borealis said...

๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ Ooh, yah, naming diseases!! Here's my modest proposal: Doncha think ALL diseases from now on should have the short name of RFK, Jr.? Like: Rubeola Measles Morbillivirus Hominis, or RFKJ for short. How about Varicella Zoster Chickenpox, or RFKJ for short. My favorite is Parelaphostrongylus Tenuis Brainworm, or RFKJ for short!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘ He is a disease that can be cured and we really, really need to vaccinate against him and eradicate him quickly!! ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ‘‹

Ellen D. said...

These are so funny! Thanks!

Mike said...

Dr. Lewis, you get that 5th star by waving to copay.

Guillaume said...


Mary Kirkland said...

Those are funny.

LL Cool Joe said...

Hahaha, yes I can relate especially the one with the curtains. Yes let's discuss what we are going to do to you so that everyone else on the ward can hear every word!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I suppose to get a five star rating, the patient must die AND then be brought back!

ArcticFox said...

bless the health workers across the world

Kathy G said...

I'm a big fan of any post that starts with a cute kitten :-)

roentare said...

The last shot is very good

Joanne Noragon said...

Kittens and cats fix much.

Janie Junebug said...

Love these. I always told my daughter she could be a dr because her handwriting is illegible. She is a dr but not an MD. Damn her for not providing me with free medical care.


Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Yes, yes, please oh wonderful nurses of the world, sedate all the stupid!
Good ones, SWS.

Kirk said...

Laughed out loud at the doctors texting each other.

DB Stewart said...

Oh, lollololol...these were next level.
P.S. Speaking of lol, have you heard about the Moosehead Presidential Pack?

Rade said...

These are wonderful! Thank you!