Friday, 14 March 2025

Pi Day Pie Art

As I'm sure you all know, Pi Day is an annual celebration
of the mathematical constant π (pi).

Originating in the USA in 1988, Pi Day is celebrated on March 14
because 3/14 contains the first three significant numbers of π.

Or . . . here's another theory:

Anyway, here's some very creative pies
to celebrate the day!

Some celestial pies --

And some pies with
good ol' boys doing burnouts --

Of course Her Royal Highness the Cat 
has to get in on the action too --


The big benefit of Pi Day is that
pies have absolutely no calories today --

So Party Hearty!


Boud said...

Pie art! Too good to eat. Almost.

The Happy Whisk said...

Math companies to sell more math. lolololol.

Spellucci said...

Shhh! Don't tell anybody, but my password is the last 8 digits of pi.

Bob said...

"To sell more math!" 🤣🤣🤣

Frank said...

Does pizza (pie) qualify?

NanaDiana said...

LOL- What a fun post. I think I'll have a PIece of PIe to celebrate! xo Diana

Tom said... calories sounds great!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Frank -- If it doesn't, it SHOULD!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh I love all this so MUCH!
Especially the pie with the car!


Kathy G said...

Did all the pies came from your kitchen?

Travel said...

Four years ago, someone published a book filled with ideas, for creative pie designs. I gave away my copy, to hard to make, to pretty to eat.

whkattk said...

Happy Pi Day!

Love the Cthulu...I will be sharing on my socials.

Ellen D. said...

Aren't those clever!?! I have never made a fancy crust for a pie.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kathy G -- Of course, they did! Hahahaha

Marie Smith said...

Ahh…missed out. Just got back from the store sans pies!

Cleora Borealis said...

Yah, thanks a lot, now Hubby wants me to try makin' all 'dem pies!! 😱 I think I can get him to settle for burnout pumpkin pies! 🤞

Pixie said...

My husband works with a bunch of physicists, so Pi day is always a big deal.

Marcia LaRue said...

Dammit ... now I want pie! 🥧

Liam Ryan said...

Oh my!
I was going to comment something interesting.
But that last photo of an apple pie looked too delicious :)

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh my God that last pie is amazing. I love Pi Day, so I'll take a slice of blueberry!

Kirk said...

I can't find Pi on my keyboard!

Mary Kirkland said...

Happy Pie day, those pies are awesome.

Moving with Mitchell said...

SG’s is just about to leave for the market. I’ll ask him to pick up some pies in honor of Pi Day. Oddly, I now have a craving.

Parnassus said...

He Debra, All great, but I think the "fake holiday" was the cleverest one today. --Jim

Mike said...

You have a bunch of PI picture I haven't seen before! Nice. I have the mirror and more math. Now I'm going to add a few more to my collection.

Fundy Blue said...

These are all great! I know just who I'd buy those burnout pies for. Brilliant. Happy 𝝅 Day, Debra!

Tundra Bunny said...

The cat and Cthulhu pies are so creative -- Pi me, Sporticus!

ArcticFox said...

we use dd/mm/yy so 14.3 doesn't really work...... sorry

roentare said...

This is so cool and full of humour

Joanne Noragon said...

Created by math companies to sell you more math! If only.

Janie Junebug said...

Gimme some 3.14, baby. π In Windows ALT 227 creates the pi symbol.


angela said...

Ohhh some of those pies look very yummy and how beautifully they’re decorated

Rade said...

Can't beat Pi art!