Monday, 10 March 2025

What's That Musky Stench?


Annies Food Diary said...

The word for the day made me laugh. :)

Annies Food Diary

Val Ewing said...

Yeah... all of them. Elon...go back. Cut his contracts, that will really save us money!

Marie Smith said...

Love that last one!

Anonymous said...

Put elon on his next test rocket. Gigi

Bob said...

If there w=ever was a more smug face in need of a slap, or perhaps a swift kick to the jaw bone, it's Leon Skum.

Travel said...

Tax the billionaires.

Frank said...

At least you're in Canada. That has to be some consolation. He is almost single-handedly ruining the USA - with a major assist from the idiot who calls himself "president".

Tom said...

..Debra, these are brilliant!

Pixie said...

The Germans have a word for everything. These are most excellent!

Kathy G said...


Kathy G said...

I wonder if you could be like Mike with his Thursday trees and publish a weekly Musk roundup?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kathy G -- Well, I don't know if I can promise a specifically Musk rant every week, but I'm sure he'll continue to figure prominently in whatever antifa rant I DO post. My blog seems to be turning quite political right now for obvious reasons and I'm just going with the flow!

Liz Hinds said...

The Germans have the best words!

whkattk said...

Oh, my.... There's so much truth to unpack in each and every one of these. Brava!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh dee mum finkz those truckz are dee fuglyest thing evfur!

Ellen D. said...

I'm sharing some of these. thanks, Debra!

Bohemian said...

Yes to all of these, brilliant selection.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Uncle Sam means YOU, Leon Skum. I would love to see for myself the bus stop poster in England. That would be so satisfying.

Moving with Mitchell said...

He would have renamed Twitter as Swastika, but he didn’t think he could get away with it at the time. But times are different.

Kirk said...

#6, #10, and #11 are my favorites. All three made me laugh out loud.

DVArtist said...

He needs more than a slap in the face. I don't say this very often but I truly hate him and his but buddy.

DB Stewart said...

Zero to 1939, lol. Love these.

Bea said...

It's been a tiny bit consoling to see Mike Myers on SNL portray Musk as the total freakshow that he is.

Rade said...

These are brilliant!

Cleora Borealis said...

🤨 Well, yah, but where does the "Slap Elon In The Face" line start? I wanna get there early! 🫲

Mary Kirkland said...

Oh, those are so good.

Janie Junebug said...

Pardon me. I'd like to make a return. I want to send a musk melon back to South Africa. Buh-bye.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The Russian Propaganda poster is *chef's kiss*.
I was reading in Dave's blog that twitter (it'll forever be twitter) was down. Muskow has no talent, no smarts and no charm. All he has is money.
And that meme about millionaires amassing fortunes for hell is right on point.


e said...

In lieu of saying what I really mean, I'll say this: