Tuesday 28 May 2024

Can We Keep It, Mom? Can We?


Tom said...

...raccoons do have an alluring face, but here most are rabid. They are best to be avoided.

Frank said...

I’m getting an Asian vibe and not sure what the connection is. It is very early morning so I’m not quite with it. Coffee is brewing.

Bob said...

I will say that if a racoon shows up on my porch y'all can come pick him up and take him home.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hahaha... raccoons, real love/hate animals.

Boud said...

We're short of raccoons, but have many other wild pests!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Trash Panda!

BTW, when raccoons walk, they freak me out. Also, those hands...


Moving with Mitchell said...

Oh, the joy the raccoons had with our bigtop bird feeder. They stole it every night, carried it to the woods, disassembled it, and ate all the sunflower seeds. Eventually, we caught on and put in the garage overnight. They were more clever than we were.

Jamie Ghione said...

I haven't seen any raccoons lately. Plenty of possums in my yard, though. Once one of them was seeking into the house.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The under eye circles slayed me!

e said...

Oh, the trash panda! Everyone thinks they're cute until they get one loose in their house. They are clever, dextrous, and incredibly strong. They also smell bad. Urban raccoons fight in gangs and can take down big dogs. But, dang it, they are cute looking.

Rosemary said...

Racoons do look appealing but not in your property. My brother had a problem with them in Mississauga - they kept finding ways of getting into his attic.

Cleora Borealis said...

In my old neighborhood along Monterey Bay in CA, I had a few run-ins with raccoons...cute as hell but can be nasty little critters! But, one of them gained my respect. He was huge and probably old so I called him "Gramps." I would often see him when I was coming home at night and the streets were dark. He would be lumbering slowly across the street; slow like an old guy whose joints hurt. And, every single time, he was using a crosswalk!! I found it rather endearing even though I had to wait for him to complete his painful journey! 🦝😍

Pixie said...

I know raccoons are a nuisance but I love them and would happily live with a trash panda:)

Travel said...

Awe, aren't they cute. With sharp claws and teeth.

Katerinas Blog said...

oh so sweet!!

DB Stewart said...

"To me you are trash" lol. Love this!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Raccoons seem so endearing until you actually encounter one.
Cheers, SHS.

Marie Smith said...

I have only ever seen one live raccoon. It was huge and fascinating to watch!

Kathy G said...

When we still lived in our big house we had a racoon who would come by at night and eat seed from the tiny holes of the bird feeder. It seemed like a lot of work for not much payoff.

roentare said...

So funny to see racoon appearing everywhere

Kirk said...

The racoon who got a good night's sleep. I may lose sleep laughing.

Joanne Noragon said...

I thought for sure s/he would find baby raccoons gifted by the overweight raccoon.

Mistress Maddie said...

I will say racoons are very comical when caught red handed so to speak.

Susan Kane said...

These were so funny! Never knew raccoon stuff before.

Liz Hinds said...

WE don't have racoons here. I do love the one caught in the light. THe caption is brilliant.

Tundra Bunny said...

I, for one, welcome our new raccoon overlords... provided we all get effective rabies vaccinations!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think those little Trash Bandits are the cutest!! Laughing so hard at the one where he got a good nights rest and cleared up the dark circles!

Rhiannon Rising said...

Ah, raccoon memes.

*chef's kiss*

Alison said...

LOL! Have to love a trash panda. I once lived in a place where a family of racoons liked to wreak havoc with the garbage cans. Tried everything to keep them out of them.

Mike said...

I know they are around our house but I haven't seen any in years.

Always CraveCute said...

Always happy to see the furry bandits!

Breenlantern said...

I love me some raccoon humor!


baili said...

Haha all amusing 😊

They are in abundance in northern part and often surprise people in hill parks
They look aggressive if in group I feel

Fundy Blue said...

These are all great, but the last one put a big smile on my face! I'm sure they're in our area, but I haven't seen any. I hop that you are enjoying the weekend, my friend!

Ur-spo said...

I always thought they were cute.

Rommy said...

LOL I too dream of sleep deep enough to get the rings under my eyes to go away.