Saturday 18 May 2024


HRH doesn't see what the problem is.

And neither does he!


gz said...

The gaslighting one is interesting..I was on the end of that for a long time, never thought of that angle.
And the last one..Yes!!!

Tom said... saved the best for last!!!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Priceless. I could make T-shirts for a number of people I know. Not me, of course. The sun shines out of my ass.

Val Ewing said...

That last one describes it perfectly.

Marie Smith said...

That last one is the best!

Frank said...

Great collection. Makes me wonder what is the opposite of a narcissist?

Boud said...

Oh dear, the most intractable people. And animals! Looking at you, hrh!

Jamie Ghione said...

All these are great. The Rorschach one was very funny. And that last one was very true!

Pixie said...

Gaslighting and the last one, made me smile but also truth.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh he is atrocious. And I agree: people need to try harder around me.

Kathy G said...

Cats are the ultimate narcissists.

Old Lurker said...

A blog post written especially for me? How thoughtful!

LA Paylor said...

yes ma'am to all
had to show my husband your post,
today's crop of narcissists
so many seem to think it's a legit lifestyle

Cleora Borealis said...

I will, of course, be stealing the Trump one, but I'm kinda pissed off that I will not be able to get that song outta my head for awhile!! 🤨

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- Sorry, LOL!

Mistress Maddie said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! The cat one and the Rorschach one had me laughing!!!!!!

But he last one!!!!!!

bobbie said...

Definitely the last one!!

Kirk said...

To end all that with Narcissism Incarnate, just too funny.

Bob said...

Naturally, I was going for the cat one, and then I saw that last one! Purrrrrrr-fection!

Tundra Bunny said...

AHAHAHAHA! Now I shall forever think of the dump as "Orange Narcissus", LOL!

Bohemian said...

As well as having that condition, 45 is also a Psychopath. There was a TV Special about Psychopaths on last Night and everything the Experts said about the Signs of one were spot on with him. Of coarse it doesn't take an Expert to realize he is one, it's just that some people seem devoted to the very things that make a Psychopath dangerous and unhinged... which, to me would make a good Special on WHY THAT IS? I cannot fathom it.

Mike said...

You saved the best for last.

Travel said...

A fun list, HRH is amused.

Bea said...

I have a friend who thinks she is married to a narcissist. The examples she's shared are really upsetting. It's a tough spot for her to be in.

peppylady (Dora) said...

No question about it, Trump is narrist

Ur-spo said...

these were funny until the end with the last one when reality hit

Ur-spo said...

Blogger ate my comment; possibly as I said something mean about The Rotten Orange.

Fundy Blue said...

These are fabulous, Debra! The last one is truly clever. I'm looking forward to the Oilers-Canucks game Monday! Go Oilers!

e said...

These are all accurate and funny, until the last one which is chilling.

Hena Tayeb said...

haha..these are are great.. me me me.

This N That said...

Great post. Unfortunately I know several. Very annoying. Love the last one!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Here's what's funny to me, I sang the last one.
And boy is it true!

Guillaume said...

The last one. Perfect.

baili said...

Truly agreed ironically of course
You Rock dear Debra ❤

Alison said...

Oh Lord, the Trump one especially!

DB Stewart said...

Trump is a perfect dictionary example. Sigh.

angela said...

That last one is right on the money

Lady M said...

I have just been learning so much about narcissist lately - what between you and Instagram.

Barbara said...

I love People Could do Better. It shoulds just like my sister's joking. I'll have to send it to her.