Thursday 23 May 2024

Thanks, Maestro Bugs!


Moving with Mitchell said...

Dr. Randall S. Paul accompanied by Steven Aldred.
I wondered which performed the rectal.

And, yes, cartoons are the first place I heard classical music, too.

RockyD said...

What a treat, classical music memes! 👏🏼 Thank you. That clarinet rectal tho…

Tom said...

...keep the music playing.

Mistress Maddie said...

The first one is most likely correct for me!!!!!

Bob said...

Ouch to that, um, clarinet joke!

That Mozart story, if true, is hilarious!

Pixie said...

I like Mozart even more now:)

Boud said...

The Beethoven math question! How long is the 92nd psalm? Answer: a minute and a half.

Couldn't resist.

Marie Smith said...

I will never hear classical music again but I will remember this post. Lol.

Kathy G said...

Of course I heard classical music on cartoons. However it took me years to realize it had a life before Looney Tunes.

Jamie Ghione said...

Orchestras are 1800s over bands! Stealing that one. The dill piccolo is also funny.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh my gawd, yes.
I clearly remember those episodes where Bugs goes Classical!

Also, Clarinet what?


Alison said...

Yep, The Barber of Seville did it for me!

Mr. Shife said...

Clarinet rectal? That does not sound like a good time. And I love the Bugs Bunny meme.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

that first one rings true sadly for me. I learned most classical music from Bugs Bunny Cartoons. :-)

Cleora Borealis said...

To this day, I cannot hear "Ride of the Valkyries" without singing "kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit!" 🤗

e said...

These were wonderful! What a world where classical music memes can fill a post and get lots of laughs - at least among this crowd, I guess.
I was on a group text recently and said, 'Kill the Wabbit'. Being of a certain age we all got the joke.

Tasker Dunham said...

What about the conductor who touched a live microphone cable but did not get a shock? He was a bad conductor.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Tasker Dunham -- GROAN!

This N That said...

Clarinet rectal...ouch!!!

roentare said...

Your post always has a way to make me smile

Kirk said...

Love that Bugs Bunny cartoon. Especially the way Elmer Fudd finds his true transgender self in the climax.

Tundra Bunny said...

Bugs Bunny was both a mentor and role model for me as a child!

DB Stewart said...

Re: image 1, ditto!

Travel said...

Great collection, Bugs was one of my first loves.

Mike said...

How far up would a clarinet rectal have to be to hit a c sharp?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- Hahahahaha, good one!

Gryphon said...

One of the indicators of maturity amongst boomers is being able to sit through an entire performance of The William Tell Overture without once thinking of The Lone Ranger.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Gryphon -- I can't do it!

G. B. Miller said...

Warner Brothers were indeed my intro to classical music and great incidental music (if you can find it, The Carl Stalling Project is an excellent c.d.). I must be one of the few of my high school class that appreciates classical music (still listen to it in my car).

Fundy Blue said...

Love the fact about Mozart! Clarinet rectal ~ OMG! Thanks for the laughs, Debra!

Yvonne said...

Mozart was a clever little devil.

lissa said...

Mozart did that? Sounds like revenge.

Have a lovely day

DVArtist said...

Great post. I love the pickle.

Adam said...

I think dying after giving up passions is common

Ur-spo said...

we recently attended The Barber of Seville. As the opening was played I knew everyone in the audience was thinking Bugs Bunny.

Rommy said...

I am cackling at Mozart's level of pettiness.