Thursday 30 May 2024

HRH Reluctantly Presents . . .

This month's DOGS post.

And RIP to the goodest dog of all,
KABOSU, who inspired the 
famous DOGE internet meme --


Mistress Maddie said...

The mother in law ome!!! LOL!!!!

Buster thinks he owns the whole marking it.

Bob said...

"He hated the book." ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

That last one ... ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

Marie Smith said...

Love dogs. The best pets, except for cats to cat lovers!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG that first kitty pic!
And doggies can be codependent but many are cute. I cackled at the Lewis & Clark pun!


Old Lurker said...

First Grumpy Cat and now Kabosu? Much sad. Such unfair.

Tom said...

...thanks for the chuckles.

Travel said...

I miss having friendly dogs around.

Jamie Ghione said...

The Lewis and Clark one made me laugh!

Alison said...

I love animal memes!

Boud said...

All funny, and my favorite is Lewis and Clark.

Rostrose said...

Thanks for your dog memes! :-D
I read that Kabuso lived to be about 18 years old - that's a proud age for a dog!
All the best,

Cleora Borealis said...

I guess it would be nice to have a dog to love me in spite of my morning face. My cat gets up on the vanity, looks longingly into my morning face, and declares "hurry up and turn on the faucet, I'm freakin' thirsty!!" ๐Ÿ˜พ๐Ÿ˜ป

Frank said...

That last one brought tears to my eyes. It's been almost three years since we lost our beloved Benni. Why do dogs do that to us?

G. B. Miller said...

The last one was a wonderful tribute to an Internet original.

Bruce.desertrat said...

@ Frank,

"Why do dogs do that to us?"

Because they're the mortal manifestation of Unconditional Love.

e said...

Much good doge! Rest in Joy, Kabosu. Many rainbow!

Other than breaking our hearts, these were funny. The collie at the movies was a winner... well, all good dogs are winners, really.
Sorry, HRH, but thanks for sponsoring.


Mike said...

But I think I'll chew the frisbee up just to make sure.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I so love dogs. These are great. Thx for the smiles.

Kirk said...

Images 2 and 3: dogs, the original land speculators.

Sandy said...

He hated the book, priceless! Cute meme's for sure.

This N That said...

I love all animals. Cats or dogs. Cats are easier to take care of. Dogs need to be walked. It seems that their visits to the vets are more often and expensive but that's not the dogs fault. I've lost one of each lately and one was not easier than the other. I got another cat simply because walking a dog is becoming difficult. So there, HRH!!!

Kathy G said...

If I had to rank memes, anything cat would be on top, but dogs would be right behind them.

Always CraveCute said...

Dogs can be so funny. I'm currently obsessed with a youtube channel called "sitting with dogs". Great post!

Leanna said...

I had to steal 2 of these for Wet Dog Wednesday. Even the cartoons were good.

DVArtist said...

Ohhh all of these are good. Have a nice weekend.

roentare said...

Pee fetish is dog specialty

Chris said...

I felt the same about a disappointing book, clever dog to like the film!!LOL

Busy Bee Suz said...

These all brought a smile to my face, sorry HRH!
How did I not know about Kabosu? He looks like a gem.

Tundra Bunny said...

What a great post! Almost nothing beats the look of adoration from your dog first thing in the morning... and anything that irritates HRH this much is fine by me, LOL!

Breenlantern said...



LA Paylor said...

gotta send this post to my husband, we are dog lovers

they leave us too soon... and I pine... LeeAnna

baili said...

Thanks for smiles dear Debra
The last one made me sad

Fundy Blue said...

Great fun, Debra! I dearly love dogs!

Ur-spo said...

It's a dog's life after all.

Rommy said...

I made sure to bring my doge bag with me on my adventures this weekend. He was a good doggo.