Thursday 16 May 2024

Hibernation Is Over, So Beware


Rosemary said...

Years ago we drove from New England to Canada and as we past through a forested area a large brown romped in front of us - my brother who had lived in Canada for many years had never seen a bear and was very envious of us.

Ol'Buzzard said...

The bears are emerging here in Maine. There are warnings out to monitor your bird feeders: bears like sunflower seeds.
the Ol'Buzzard

Tom said...

...I can bearly stop laughing.

Boud said...

I live in bear country! The young males are around looking for territory. Hiding behind trees.

Kay G. said...

That bear behind that tree! 😄

Bob said...

Bear scsat.

Moving with Mitchell said...

So good! I especially love the innocent meeting between friends, and Comfort Inn. I stayed at a resort in New Hampshire with bear warning signs all over the grounds.

Frank said...

The bear behind the tree reminded me of a sketch of two parallel lines with what looked like four lady bugs on the sides and a caption of "guess what this is"? Of course it was a bear climbing a tree on the other side. (I wish I could attach a picture - see:

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the giggles this morning.

Old Lurker said...

Other lessons one can learn from a bear: keep to yourself unless raising cubs or mating; eat grubs; grow fat all summer; avoid interactions with humans lest you get shot.

Jamie Ghione said...

"The other coke bear got his own movie." That's a good one!

R's Rue said...

These are too funny. Thanks for the laughs.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

eewwww!!! bear scat!!!! MOL!!!

Katerinas Blog said...

The truth is that
in some places they make their presence felt.
Thanks so much for the laughs!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I'd take the bear.

Also, I went to see Cocaine Bear. In a movie theater. With friends. We had seldom laughed and cringed so much at the same time.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Good ones! I needed a morning giggle today. Thx

e said...

These are the bear necessities! Funny memes, all of them, although the drug dealing bear comment is absolutely on the nose.

Like Sixpence, I'd take the bear...

Liz Hinds said...

Grizzly Bear Conflict Manager?!! What a job title.

Marie Smith said...

Good chuckles here!

Tundra Bunny said...

"Grizzly Bear Conflict Manager" sounds way more exciting and fillable than "Human Behavioural Manager": less chance of being raked over the coals by pissed off tourists and residents who don't want to obey rules designed for their and the bears' safety!

Go Oilers!

Mr. Shife said...

Thanks for sharing the bear necessities, Debra. These are great.

Kirk said...

Dennis Weaver and Clint Howard must have stayed at that Comfort Inn.

(I'm showing my age with that comment but what the hell.)

Guillaume said...

I love bears. And I want to go to that Comfort Inn.

roentare said...

Cocaine bear meme is striking

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kirk -- And those of us who recognize those references are showing our age right along with you, LOL!

Joanne Noragon said...

We're bearing up, anyway.

Lady M said...

Ha ha - so timely. I had a bear looking in my fence yesterday, gazing longingly at the suet feeders. We are keeping our eyes open for him tonight as I think he will be back.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Ha Ha. I'm fan of Yogi Bear.

Travel said...

The first time I saw a bear in the wild, he was on the side of the road, cars were pulling off and stopping, I parked, grabbed the camera and as I was getting out of the car said, "this may be a bad idea" J was sure those would be my last words.

baili said...

i am afraid of bears i think and i will have to rethink about visiting places like this where bear fake their presence skillfully

Rostrose said...

Thank you dear Debra, I had a lot of fun with your bear memes :-DD.
You wrote to me that you had problems translating a post - here is the link to the translation: c922369570851997721

If the translate button in my blog fails, you can either exit and re-enter or you can paste the link into google translate - this will translate the entire blog...

All the best, Traude

Mike said...

I'd be bare when I got in the shower. Can I still stay there?

This N That said...

'tis the Season.... They are coming for your Birdfeeders. Have a great weekend...

DB Stewart said...

What happened to him, indeed?! Ha.

DVArtist said...

These are great. Always so much fun. I featured your art on FFO this week. Have a great day today.

Ur-spo said...

oh those bears! what would we do without them?

Fundy Blue said...

HeeHee! Bearology is a great philosophy for life!

Alison said...

You know the saying, I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!

Breenlantern said...

Heyyyyyy...I have that first sign in my bathroom :-)

I LOVE bears and bear humor ... and being bare!


Barbara said...

They are all hilarious. Great finds.