Saturday 25 May 2024

The Joy of Religion


Tom said...

...Amen, sister!

Bob said...

Love them all, though I had to Google the Jeopardy one!

Boud said...

Kinky boots!!

Marie Smith said...

The pope baby wins the day!

Ellen D. said...

I had to Google the Jeopardy one, too!

Jamie Ghione said...

That first one made me laugh! And two Miracle Whip ones ina row. Amazing.

Pixie said...

The sad truth.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I knew this would be good when I read the title! I had to look up Kinky Boots. What a guy!

Kathy G said...

I know quite a few people who subscribe to the God/Satan theory.

Hena Tayeb said...


Kirk said...

Rather not know enough than to pretend to know everything.

BootsandBraids said...

I too had to Google the Jeopardy one, LOL.

Frank said...

Camera invented...photoshop invented...but what will happen now that artificial intelligence has been invented? I cannot imagine!
P.S. Apparently, I am dense. What does Kinky Boots have to do with a Christian hymn or a Jewish holiday???

Frank said...

P.S. Never mind.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I LOVE THESE! But I must admit the wheelchair took me a minute to see!

Cleora Borealis said...

Are all you coy commenters withholding what you found on Google just to get "Rock of Ages" trending if each of us look it up individually?! Oops, did I just break the rules?! 😘

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Cleora Borealis -- "Kinky Boots" was such a hilarious answer that it never occurred to me that anyone would care what the real answer was!

DVArtist said...

All good ones. LOL

Lady M said...

You always do such fabulous religious posts. I enjoyed all of these.

roentare said...

Your memes are worth a thousand words

angela said...

I have no idea where you find these gems but I love them
Especially the one about god and Satan lol

Joanne Noragon said...

Excellent, all. Pope baby hands down. Or, hats up.

Travel said...

Less than 100 years since we first flew across the Atlantic, what will happen in the next 100 years?

Katerinas Blog said...

Very funny memes.
The one with the baby and the diaper!
Thanks for the laugh it's so wanted now!!
Have a beautiful week!

Adam said...

I remember Alex Trebek roasting that guy for Kinky boots

Liz Hinds said...

Unlike the religious person I know nothing.

What was the correct answer?

Liz Hinds said...

Like Pablo Casals in previous post too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Liz Hinds -- The correct answer to the Jeopardy question is "Rock of Ages."

Mike said...

The evangelicals are trying to get "Dark Ages II" started.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Mike -- You got that right!

Ur-spo said...

Touche and spot-on

e said...

These were all hilarious! The baby Pope reminded me of the year I made tea cozies for a group of my tea drinking friends. They did look like a bishop's miter when worn on the head!

baili said...

Religion is old science

To believe we must ponder
No other way is to understand it

Fundy Blue said...

Hysterical! The last one really says something profound!

Rommy said...

I am happy to explain STFU to him. :D