Tuesday 14 May 2024

Do You Need a Fun Summertime Read?

Then I recommend the most recent novel by blogging buddy Liz Hinds (Finding life hard?). It's a cozy mystery about a crime solving young woman who runs a catering service called Tabitha's Table (available in paperback or Kindle format at fine Amazon websites everywhere). Here's its concise plot synopsis --

Rescuing a victim of trafficking.
On the run from a criminal millionaire.
She was only supposed to be making sandwiches
but now Tabby finds herself in a real life adventure,
with only her mum, a disgraced policeman,
a farting dog, and two homeless friends to help.

Like all of Liz's novels, there's entertaining, quirky characters galore plus lots of humour and light-hearted fun (despite the book's more serious plot elements). This promises to be Book 1 in the Tabitha’s Table Mystery Series.

And HRH recommends this book as well, DESPITE THERE BEING NO CATS IN IT but only the aforementioned farting dog. I think HRH took the catering motif too literally though.


Tom said...

...happy reading to you.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Thanks for the recommendation!

Marie Smith said...

I really enjoyed the book as well. Liz is always entertaining!

Boud said...

Nice review! I hope it bumps sales.

Mistress Maddie said...

That almost sounds like a title for one of the volumes in my memoirs!!!

I like this kind of read for summer, and I still have quite a queue to get through. My reading in the summer months wanes....but I will have to look into this Debs.

Jamie Ghione said...

I'd like to find this one.

R's Rue said...

Thank you for the recommendation. Happy reading.

Pixie said...

You had me at farting dog:)

e said...

I like a cozy mystery as a palate cleanser between the door-stoppers I usually read. Thanks for the recco, I'll check it out!

Travel said...

Sounds like fun,

Adam said...

There's no cats in my book either


Oh no its 🥷🐱

He found me

Mike said...

I'd buy the book but my unread book pile is already to the ceiling.

Yvonne said...

Sounds like an enjoyable book to read, and I think HRH's opinion would equal my cat's opinions if they read this book. Here's hoping your week has been kind to you. Hugs.

NanaDiana said...

I just jotted down the name of this book to add to my ever increasing list. Sounds good. Love the cat's take on the book.
Have a wonderful rest of the week, my sweet friend. xo Diana

Gigi said...

Sounds like a good read; I'll add it to my library hold list. Thanks!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I haven't yet found a library with to many books.

Kirk said...

The plot synopsis mentions "mum". Does it take place in the UK? Just curious.

DVArtist said...

Very nice review. Oh that cat is too funny.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Kirk -- Yes, it does!

Willym said...

Thanks for the summer reading suggestion. Nothing nicer than sitting in the sun with a good mystery novel. Well maybe with a glass of chilled white wine added.

This N That said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I can't remember the last time I read a book. I just don't seem to have the time so I quit! If I can't get into a book I don't read it. If I do get into a book I do nothing else until I finished it. I guess I spent too much time on the computer and/or painting. Enjoy your day.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh thank you so much, Debra! That is very kind of you. x

baili said...

glad you liked the novel dear Debra
sounds like an interesting read to me

i love mystery and thriller :)

Ur-spo said...

that cat is a demon.